Zagovny Tradition / Ritual in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Ordo Dracul
Zagovny is a kind of sanguine witchery, with a wide array of strange powers. The odd disparity of its effects often confuses other Kindred; many who have never heard of the Vedma mistake each power of Zagovny as evidence of a different parent Discipline. The Vedma thus have a reputation for knowing scores of bizarre Disciplines, when in fact their line has only one unique tradition of power. Like all good witches, of course, the Vedma are loathe to reveal such a secret to others; let their enemies — and Allies — make their mistakes.
The supernatural powers of the Vedma have no single origin story. Some among the Old Witches claim that Zagovny is a kind of proto-Discipline, from which other, more common Disciplines have descended. Such Vedma believe other Kindred powers are derived from those of Zagovny. More modern Ordo Dracul scholars have supposed that Zagovny’s disparate powers are the result of the feeding habits of the original Vedma progenitress, rumored to have feasted upon mortal witches and mages of all kinds. The blood of the Vedma is, theoretically, now a blend of bizarre, magical ingredients.
One folk tale, passed down from sire to childe and Avus to supplicant, claims that the Vedma’s unique powers were drawn from the land itself — that the sacred mountains of Dacia bled magical powers, and the first Vedma drank them up. Thus, Zagovny represents a raw mixture of the magic inherent in the lands that lay in the shadow of the Carpathians, from the rough peaks to the Danube.
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