•••• Blood Minions Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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•••• Blood Minions

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Ordo Dracul
The penultimate power of the Vedma is perhaps the strangest. A Vedma with this power can transform her blood into supernatural animal servants that do her bidding. To onlookers, it appears as though birds, rats or bugs crawl out from gashes in the vampire’s flesh.
The animals created with this power are clearly unnatural, with empty sockets in place of eyes, blood-colored beaks or claws or some other horrific sign of their strange origin. These minions can travel any distance from the Vedma, who instinctively knows their location at all times. Though these creatures do not eat, sleep or think, they follow the will of the Vedma exactly. They attack her enemies, fetch objects for her and assist her in the use of other powers of Zagovny.
Blood Minions appear to be made of flesh and Bone, but are actually made up something more akin to the ashy remains of burnt paper. If damaged, they crumble into ash. Unlike a vampire, these supernatural creatures can move about during the day.


Dramatic Failure: The character opens a wound in herself, but is unable to bring forth Blood Minions. She suffers a lethal wound, and the Vitae spent to activate this power is wasted, but no Vitae is spent on the unformed minions. The character cannot attempt to use this power for the rest of the scene.
Failure: The character is unable to transform her blood. The Vitae spent to activate this power is wasted, but no Vitae is spent on the unformed minions.
Success: The character is able to transform her Vitae into lifeless, animate Minion creatures. By spending an amount of Vitae equal to the Size of the desired creature, the Vedma can create small birds, bats, ravens, rats, cats or even dogs to do her bidding. The character can create any number of Minions, provided she has enough Vitae to account for the Size of all the animals created (in addition to the Vitae spent to activate this power). The character can only create animals using the amount of Vitae she can spend in one turn, based on her Blood Potency. These creatures must be let out from the character’s body, through a gash in the stomach, arm or leg, for example, though this wound causes no harm to the character.
Minions created with this power can fly, bite, carry and perform any other actions an animal of the same type could. In addition, the Vedma can use the Eye of Blood power to perceive a Minion’s surroundings over any distance and the Flight of the Warlock power to mystically transport herself to a Minion’s location. A Blood Minion that successfully attacks a target can destroy itself to subject that target to the Eye of Blood power.
Blood Minions may take their own actions during a turn, but always act on the same Initiative as the character.
The creatures created with this power turn to ash at the next sunset or immediately upon taking any damage, whichever comes first.
Example: Natya has successfully invoked the power of Blood Minions. Her Blood Potency is 6, so she can spend three Vitae per turn. Although she could spend two Vitae to create a cat minion, she decides to transform her blood into three small blackbirds (Size 1 each). She slices her arm, and the tiny birds struggle out through the gash and take flight. She sends two off to track the mortals who just attacked her, and dispatches the third to scout for prey — Natya needs blood.
Exceptional Success: Similar to a normal success, except the creatures crumble to ash on the second sunset, rather than the next.
Game statistics for sample animals can be found in the World of Darkness Rulebook (p. 202 – 203). Storytellers are encouraged to use those statistics for other, similar animals as well. The traits of a bat can substitute for those of a Size 1 bird, for example.
Material Components
Cost: 1 or more Vitae
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Strength + Animal Ken + Zagovny
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time

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