••••• Extrapolate Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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••••• Extrapolate

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - The Invictus
At the highest level of Web mastery, a Lynx is able to scan live networks through the evidence of their existence alone. By studying letters, emails, photographs, videotapes, purchased gifts and so forth, the Lynx can glean an understanding of some of the nodes involved. Essentially, the vampire is now studying the space between the nodes, rather than the nodes themselves. The amount of insight a Lynx can casually gain through this sort of investigation is truly intimidating. An irresponsible or sinister Lynx with this level of mastery may be a prized asset to the covenant or a terrible threat to the security of the domain.
Material Components
Cost:1 Willpower per scene. Once activated, this power may enhance other powers used within the scene.
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: This power is not actively rolled. Rather, a Lynx with this level of familiarity is simply better able to employ and understand the other powers of Web. With evidence to work from, a Lynx may extrapolate information on all of the nodes the article has moved between. For example, with access to a person’s email, a Lynx may be able to scan both the sender and the recipient remotely, provided they are nodes in the same living network. Junk mail, meaningless trinkets and unimportant correspondence are of no use to the Lynx, however, as they have no importance to the relationship between the subjects.
Not all useful data is created equal. Older correspondence left over from defunct networks is useless — Web only works on active networks. Immaterial evidence, such as computer files, and damaged Materials, such as waterlogged photographs, impose penalties from –1 to – 5 to the scan attempt based on both their substance and their condition. Ultimately, the ability of any medium to convey information about the relationships that created it must be determined by the Storyteller.
Related Discipline
Effect Casting Time

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