Cardinal Rank/Title in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Status: Lancea Sanctum (•••••+)

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
A Cardinal is responsible for the affairs of The Lancea Sanctum in certain very large domains, but the problem is, not every domain has a Cardinal. In fact, the position of Cardinal is something of an outdated curiosity — while technically a proper title, the role is an amalgamation of the two roles beneath it, Bishop and Archbishop. A particularly ambitious (and potentially obsessive or possessive) Archbishop that decides her grip isn’t strong enough on the flock may opt to take over the role of one of her Bishops, as well. That Archbishop not only oversees the citywide goings-on, but also handles more minute details like leading ritae and training Priests. If the Archbishop can prove her ability to handle such a momentous act of plate-spinning and political juggling, then she may be Anointed to the role of Cardinal. (Provided, of course, that the domain has an appropriate vacancy. If no such vacancy exists, she’ll either be forced to wait for one, or be content to handle double responsibility for half the reward.)
On top of her responsibilities as Archbishop and Bishop of a specific city, she also makes sweeping policy decisions in regards to the covenant’s actions in her domain. Her declarations and demands are usually broad. A Cardinal may deem it necessary to begin recruiting among other covenants in the domain in an effort to bolster the Sanctified’s own ranks while weakening the defenses of rivals. She may decide that the covenant isn’t doing enough for the spiritual good of The Lancea Sanctum, and call up a dozen antiquated and unforeseen Apostolica for the covenant to practice. A more zealous Cardinal might even go through venerable archives, dust off a list of unpunished heretics, and send the covenant as a whole in a blood hunt crusade against the weathered list of transgressors. Her commands trickle down to the other Sanctified in the domain, who then make those demands reality for all Kindred in the city.
The position of Cardinal comes with several inherent problems. One is a lack of distinctions of authority. Cardinals are so overextended that if enough other Bishops (if any are present) disagree with her commandments, they may pay them lip service but do little to actually observe her decisions. Such overextension is one of the other key problems a Cardinal faces. Most Cardinals are hammered so thin that their value as viable leaders is dangerously reduced. Many burn out or lose their minds. Some, however, seem to be meant for the role. It’s hard to say if such Cardinals are cunning multi-taskers or deranged geniuses. What does matter is that they take to the role like a maggot to meat, filling their Requiems with the multifarious duties of the office.
Cardinals come from all types. Hell-bound warlords, austere ascetics, social predators and even obsessive lurkers. While in the privacy of his own chamber, an opposing Kindred might dismiss a Cardinal as a distracted figurehead, a smart vampire keeps such sacrilege out of the public sphere. Many Cardinals may be distracted and spread too thin, it’s true — but they still have the power to snap their bony fingers and have any vampire dragged to her Final Death. Their influence, when they can find it, goes far and wide indeed.
Religious, Political
Alternative Naming
Vicar, Pontiff, Pontifex
Equates to
In those few cities where a single leader is powerful enough to serve as both Archbishop and Bishop, she often chooses to take the title of Cardinal. Cardinal isn’t a “formal” covenant title the way the other two are; it’s really just a vaunted way of saying, “I hold greater office than any two of you. Who would dare challenge me for it?”
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