Damned Radiance Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Damned Radiance

Level-Two Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
With this ritual, the sorcerer impresses, shocks or frightens onlookers with the glorious Majesty of a walking Saint or the terrible stature of a furious monster. When the ritual is completed, the vampire adds his dots in Theban Sorcery to all dice pools involving overt use of Presence for the rest of the scene. In the eyes of onlookers, the sorcerer takes on an exaggerated, unearthly appearance, whether darkened by an intangible malice, smoking with hellish heat or shining with an angelic light.
The effects of this ritual are never subtle. The power overtly alters the character. Her appearance attracts attention and sticks in the memories of witnesses. The character suffers a – 3 dice penalty on all Social actions requiring subtlety or finesse. If the character’s appearance is truly unearthly (due to very high or very low Humanity, for example, or if the character has seven or more dots in Presence and Theban Sorcery combined), the penalty may even apply to Stealth actions, at the Storyteller’s discretion.
The aspect of the Curse that blurs a vampire’s image in mirrors and on film also interferes with this power — Damned Radiance cannot be perceived through second-hand evidence (such as photographs or TV signals), even by spending Vitae.
Material Components
Offering: A mask, however cheap or exquisite, simple or ornate.
Gestures & Ritual
Related Discipline

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