Fugue Condition in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Severe; Extreme; follows Avoidance

World of Darkness Rulebook
Victims suffering from fugue experience "blackouts" and loss of memory. When subjected to a particular variety of stress, your character performs a specific, rigid set of behaviors to remove the stressful symptoms. This syndrome differs from multiple personalities in that an individual in the grip of a fugue has no separate personality. Instead, he is on a form of "autopilot" similar to sleepwalking. Decide on the kind of circumstance or exposure that triggers this state, be it the death of a defenseless person by his hand, a confrontation with a specific sort of creature or confinement in a small, dark room.


Effect: Make a Resolve + Composure roll when your character is subjected to his trigger. If the roll fails, roleplay your character's trance-like state by performing a sequence of behaviors that he performs almost robotically. He might repetitively untie and tie his shoes, walk to the corner of the room and refuse to come out, or curl into the fetal position. If the Storyteller is not satisfied by your character's reaction, he might take control of your character for the duration of the bout. The spell lasts for the remainder of the scene. At the end of the fugue, your character "regains consciousness" with no memory of his actions. If outsiders (including friends and enemies) interfere with or try to prevent your character's mechanical activities, he may attack them in order to carry on.

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