House Sephenet Organization in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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House Sephenet

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - The Invictus
Among the oldest Houses in The Invictus is House Sephenet. Based in Cairo, all three of Sephenet’s members hearken back to the days before the coming of Islam, making even the youngest of their number more than 1,300 years old.
Two of Sephenet’s members are women, a Ventrue sire and childe. The third of their number is a socially astute Mekhet. The younger of the Ventrue is currently in Torpor.
Together, House Sephenet acts as the Kindred Prince of Cairo, a slowly cycling oligarchy. The House uses its Resources strategically to see to it that The Invictus is by far the strongest covenant in the city. Significantly, the House members also demonstrate a much-noted leniency toward Kindred affiliated with the Circle of the Crone. On the other hand, House Sephenet has never shown any mercy toward the Kindred of The Lancea Sanctum, and, even into the modern nights, the embattled Kindred of the Sanctified occupy an unusually lowly position in Cairo.
The great stone Haven of House Sephenet is a palace furnished in lavish, almost sybaritic, style. Anything solid is crusted in gold and gemstones, anything soft is covered in silk and velvet.
The Kindred of House Sephenet are true libertines, and they have often been mistaken for Daeva. (Their Discipline spread makes this an easy mistake to make.) In the staunchly conservative environment of Cairo, this libertinism has made the House both enemies (among the strict Muslims) and friends (among those rebelling against the restrictive Islamic system). The House is responsible for much of Cairo’s black market, and House members operate several carefully hidden opium dens and brothels. Over the centuries, House Sephenet has frequently used its vast influence in the area to undermine the more zealous mullahs and attenuate the more extremist elements of Islam.
Kindred visiting Cairo will find that the members of Sephenet have little trouble following the visiting Kindred’s every move; little happens that the House does not at least implicitly condone.
Sephenet’s influence web reaches into every aspect of Cairo’s existence. There is no one and nothing that goes unseen by the House’s beggars, whores, Contacts and Ghouls. It is a poorly kept secret in Cairo that House Sephenet is rich and loose with its purse strings when information of an unusual nature is concerned. The House is also quite adept at using the information it gathers. (One of its members is Mekhet, after all.)
Recent years have seen the conflict between House Sephenet and Cairo’s Islamic regime grow hotter. An as-yet-unknown cleric has declared a fatwah on the House and its Allies, and a series of Islamic witch-hunters have entered Cairo in an effort to rid the city of its decadent Kindred royalty. One of these witch hunts culminated in the destruction of a portion of the Sephenet palace when one witch-hunter turned suicide bomber. House Sephenet is now gearing up for a devastating counterattack; the House has offered an enormous bounty for information leading to the identity of the mullah who issued the fatwah.
Ruling Organization

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