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Status: Lancea Sanctum (•+)

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
The term inquisitor has different meanings in different domains. Publicly, an Inquisitor is appointed to root out and destroy heresies within the parish. This is usually limited to heretical movements within the local Sanctified community, but sometimes, it can also include assaults on members of rival covenants, especially in Old World domains where The Lancea Sanctum often completely dominates a city. In the New World, most domains contain members of all the major covenants, and except for a tiny handful of cities with exceptionally powerful Archbishops, Inquisitors lack the authority to pursue or punish a vampire solely for membership in a non-Sanctified covenant.
Being named an Inquisitor in The Lancea Sanctum is a high honor, despite the position’s deference to the priesthood. An Inquisitor’s job is to roust the turncoats and heretics from within the ranks, culling such treacherous dogs before they can do real damage. Those chosen to become Inquisitor are, for that reason, highly trusted individuals (as it would do no good to elect a secret heretic to this elite office).
Let it be said: Inquisitors are frightening. They are meant to be. The whispers that the Inquisitors are the “secret police” of The Lancea Sanctum are not only accepted, but encouraged. For the most part, an Inquisitor doesn’t want to be anybody’s friend. They are meant to portray a façade of fearful superiority. Inquisitors exist to test the spiritual fortitude and loyalty of the local Sanctified. Inquisitors deliberately cause fear because fear is a powerful deterrent. Fear keeps the loyal in line, but can also reveal treachery.
Inquisitors must possess a bevy of skills. They must be proficient tacticians, knowing how best to run their prey into a trap. They must have strong martial ability — an Inquisitor who gets his ass kicked up and down an alleyway does not promote a positive image of the covenant’s strength. Martial skills aside, many Inquisitors are also versed in the fine art of torture. Causing pain — very specific, focused pain — in an individual is one potentially useful method of gaining control over him. By proxy, it allows an Inquisitor to find the information he desires, be it a list of names, the location of a specific Haven, or a fullbore confession. Finally, an Inquisitor has to be a proficient detective. Having a sharp mind and keen eye lets the Inquisitor get to the heart of any rot and corruption present within the covenant. A poorly performed investigation only hurts the chances of finding and tracking sedition from within.
While many Inquisitors do relish the power intrinsic to the position and alternately enjoy bringing fear to the masses, such icy demeanor and sadism isn’t required for the position. In fact, many Inquisitors actively oppose such ugly tactics, believing that such methodology inspires spiritual service through fear instead of genuine faith. Moreover, the axiom about attracting more flies with honey than vinegar holds merit. Some Inquisitors are chosen because they are specifically not frightening, because they appear to the local Sanctified as “everybody’s confidantes.” Having numerous Allies within a given domain allows an Inquisitor access to information that torture might never reveal. It is for this reason that many Inquisitors actively choose an image that is different than that of the “secret police.”
A parish of reasonable size, with more than a handful of observant Sanctified, usually has a single Inquisitor though larger cities may have several, or even a dedicated coterie of Inquisitors. The ranks of the Inquisitors are almost uniformly made up of young ancillae. In cities of requisite size, Inquisitors are sometimes led by an “Inquisitor General” (also known as Praedicator Veridicus), who is a Priest specifically trained to marshal Inquisitor efforts.
Inquisitors are often a point of contention between young Sanctified and members of other covenants. The title is beholden to none but The Lancea Sanctum — it has no parent “Inquisition” to whom it answers, and no authority other than the Kindred who appointed the Inquisitor. In response to this, the powers of the Inquisitor are greatly diminished from what they have been historically, but the very idea of a jackbooted brute whose sole purpose is to destroy heresy as he sees it is one that fills many Kindred with a justified dread.
Answering only to a Bishop or Archbishop, an Inquisitor is responsible for hunting down heresy, disobedience and treason within the covenant. He has power to investigate anyone or anything, and all wise Kindred fear him. Although he technically has only low rank, his authority while conducting an investigation borders on absolute. In cities where a separate Sheriff exists, these two are often at odds. If an Inquisitor is not supported by the local Prince, he had better be careful how he handles relations with other covenants. The Inquisitor may find himself isolated in accusations or charges levied against vampires of other followings.
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