Lightning Rod Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Lightning Rod

Level-Two Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Ancient Mysteries
One Sanctified Daeva researcher dedicated his existence to finding a way to eliminate nightmares of the daysleep, or at least divert them. His idea stemmed from the belief that many such nightmares come from the inhuman and violent activities typical in vampiric existence. Guilt, or in some cases fear, the Daeva suggested, was the cause. He proposed that only through sacrificing something of great personal value to the Kindred could he hope to stave off the guilt that produced the nightmares, and his discoveries seemed to vindicate his proposal. He found a ritual that created a make-shift “lightning rod.”
The vampire can cast the ritual upon the chosen object at any time. To activate the object, it only need be placed in contact with the Kindred as he lies down to sleep for the day. When the Kindred awakens, the object turns to ash, taking every memory and feeling he had during his time asleep with it to oblivion, lost forever. The vampire regains an extra point of Willpower for that night’s rest. If the vampire uses this ritual before entering Torpor, he staves off nightmares for a time. Add the number of successes to the number of weeks that the character enjoys restful slumber before the nightmares begin again.
Material Components
Offering: An object of some personal value to the caster, perhaps a picture of a loved one from his mortal life, an heirloom handed down through generations or a favorite childhood toy.
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