Nahdad Tradition / Ritual in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
The rumored power of the burgeoning, untested Nepheshim bloodline is unheard of by many Kindred, Sanctified or not. It is a Discipline of intuition and survival, a power that defies the destructive efforts of the world at large. Nahdad makes it easier for a vampire to survive in the hostile, heathen wilderness between domains. If the Nepheshim bloodline is proven, and the numbers of vampires using this power were to grow, Nahdad could redefine the notions of Sanctified territory.


Dice Pool: Nahdad, unlike most Disciplines, has several powers but is not actively rolled. Rather, it grants a degree of supernatural intuition and self-control that empowers characters struggling to survive a wanderer’s Requiem. Nahdad is considered “always on,” and cannot be deactivated. Each dot in Nahdad further enriches the Nepheshim’s ability to use the following three powers. All Nepheshim have access to all three of these powers as soon as they gain their first dot in Nahdad. Over time, each aspect of the Discipline is further refined and empowered.

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