Piece of Mind Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Piece of Mind

Level-Five Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Ancient Mysteries
This forbidden rite does not officially exist, since its pagan roots are quite clear. Still, a few elders do remember it, and it allows them to experience Torpor without worrying that they will awaken maddened and lost. The price, however, is high.
This ritual involves the removal of a human brain. The brain must come from a human being who is at peace and who is relatively happy in his life. The only way to know for sure that the individual is an acceptable donator is through Auspex (Telepathy). Once a target has been positively identified, that person must be brought to the ritual chamber in such a way as to not cause them fear (drugged, usually). The Kindred performing the ceremony must then carefully remove the brain from the human, at which point she devours it in its entirety. When she falls into Torpor, however long that sleep may be, the Kindred will be at peace, without the nightmares that usually invade her sleep. She awakens untouched by The Fog of Eternity, her memories intact.
Murdering and devouring the brain of a truly contented person, however, is a heinous act. Enacting this ritual automatically strips the vampire of a dot of Humanity (which, in turn, affects the length of the torpor). The player must also check to see if the vampire acquires a new derangement, but this can wait until the vampire awakens from Torpor.
Material Components
Offering: The brain of a human being at peace with his life. The brain must be consumed in whole for the ritual to succeed. The first thing the character does upon awakening from torpor is to vomit up the brain.
Related Discipline

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