Radical Collective Coteries
There is no one uniform for such coteries, but members of an RCC (as they’re called in brief) typically dress alike, based on the style of their Requiem. Some RCCs have members garbed in hip-hop fashion. Others adopt corporate couture because they’re operating in a corporate climate. Some can be found in the nondescript clothing of manual laborers, because that’s just what they are. RCCs often hold supplemental positions, as Radical Collectivism is more of an organizing principle than a political or religious dogma. Radical Collectivism still grows out of a core of belief, however.
Position: Kindred function most rationally with forethought and collective checks and balances. This is as true for personal goals as with more typical group goals. It’s well worth sacrificing some privacy and personal autonomy for psychological and physical support when the unique challenges of being undead arise.
Position: Kindred function most rationally with forethought and collective checks and balances. This is as true for personal goals as with more typical group goals. It’s well worth sacrificing some privacy and personal autonomy for psychological and physical support when the unique challenges of being undead arise.
Public Agenda
RCCs typically maintain a joint Haven, called a ‘hub,’ where they plan out feeding operations and any additional missions arising from other beliefs. A communist RCC, for example, might invite proletarians to their hub, so that the coterie can raise the proletarians’ consciousness (subtly at first, but more intensely later — probably with Disciplines). A Christian RCC would behave more like a monastery, possibly with a Priest hearing confession and leading periodic prayers. All types of RCCs tend toward highly scheduled and disciplined Requiems, the better to keep the Beast under control and the better to allow the members to help one another keep it leashed. With almost no exceptions, feeding is forbidden at the hub. Some RCCs maintain a separate feeding/disposal site, typically far from the hub. You don’t eat where you sleep, after all.
Mission: Help your coterie-mates. Develop increasingly secure feed methods. Bare your souls frequently in order to foster trust. Keep an eye on the others for signs of frenzy. Try to stay out of frenzy-inducing situations, with their help.
Mission: Help your coterie-mates. Develop increasingly secure feed methods. Bare your souls frequently in order to foster trust. Keep an eye on the others for signs of frenzy. Try to stay out of frenzy-inducing situations, with their help.
Political, Activist
Ruling Organization
Parent Organization