Spear of Faith Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Spear of Faith

Level-Four Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Lancea Sanctum
With this ritual, a Sanctified sorcerer can assault his enemies with his will alone. A number of subjects equal to the caster’s Theban Sorcery dots, and who can be seen directly, may be chosen as victims. The sorcerer can choose to include fewer victims if he desires, and can include or exclude any eligible targets he chooses. The victim closest to the sorcerer suffers lethal damage equal to the successes scored on the ritual’s activation roll. The next closest victim suffers one less point of damage than the first, and so on, until every victim has been affected or no more damage remains to be suffered. The victims do not have to be arranged in a row or line, as the Spear of Faith has no trajectory. Defense and armor are no help to the victims, as the Spear of Faith never misses.
The sorcerer hardly needs to move to use this power, but most sorcerers enact this ritual with grand gestures and loud proclamations of faith. The wounds each target suffers erupt exactly as though the victim were pierced or slashed in an exposed area with a Spear, from blood spatter to torn clothing.
The roll to activate this ritual is penalized by the highest Stamina of the selected victims.
Material Components
Offering: A metal pendant or idol in the shape of a crucifix or Spear (Size 1 or larger).
Related Discipline

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