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the Ascension of the Therion

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Belial's Brood
Although the above hold true for all performances of The Vaulderie, and seeing as the creation of The Vaulderie could have quite easily interdependently arisen along with the Brood itself, the ritual has other essential applications — the most curious being the ceremony during which a member of the Therion caste is anointed. Though I inquired repeatedly as to what, exactly, this caste actually is, I was informed that its closest approximation within my understanding is that of “bloodline” — the major difference being that this caste could only be entered through ceremonial induction and could not be inherited by way of birthright or ascended into through power of the blood. This, I have found, is because the Priest caste of Belial’s Brood cannot create progeny of their own — they are born of The Crux and the blood of one of the five clans.
It is important to state, however, that the Therion do not embody The Crux itself. Though many find philosophical correlations between the role of the caste and the idea of The Crux, and though the Therion do share a somewhat deeper sympathy with a covey’s spiritual center, the Therion does not take on a leadership role. Rather, the Therion becomes a kind of bestial yogi and guru who guides the spiritual plan of the working group. Although such a position would be undoubtedly exploited among the covenants proper, it is not so among the Forsworn. In fact, the Therion are more like scouts into the uncharted spiritual future of the Brood, and, in a sense, are almost like shaman — occupying a position on the delicate edge of Man and Beast, charged with the sacred duty of bringing back true knowledge to be taught to the worthy and devout among their coveys. Though the Therion of certain cults within the Brood would take exception to such religious descriptions, it is the function they serve in one form or another.
I assumed during our discussion that it was in fact Hodge who was in preparation to inherit this strange and seductive role as speaker for his covey’s Crux as his grasp of Brood lore, to my estimation, is dramatically greater than that of either Evelyn or Gabriel. Nonetheless, I quickly learned that it was not academic acumen that won the right to such an honor but rather a deep and abiding closeness to the Beast itself. And so, it was the boy Gabriel that had begun his walk toward the darkness of the Therion caste, and it was on these grounds that I now understood the almost fearful manner that his own covey brother and sister assumed whenever they addressed him.
The ritual of induction varies greatly among factions. Among Hodge’s faction, the ritual takes on a somewhat Judeo-Christian-Islamic affect, where the aspirant is hung by the feet in the center of the ritual space (the symbolic representation of the Crux), bound and blindfolded while the initiates of the covey invoke their Beasts through rites of provocation (which I will expound on later) with the intention of full frenzy. Through some method of control, whether on the part of the vampire or an effect of the rite, the frenzy is expelled, casting the predatory fury of the supporting ritualists into the suspended candidate. At this point, the Therion-to-be convulses wildly as his entire physiology is incubated in an all-penetrant cocoon of wracking hunger and violence. Once the seizure subsides, the blindfold is removed from the aspirant’s face, revealing — in successful cases — the serene and terrible face of the new Therion.
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The Vaulderie
System: Therion Creation
The creation of the Therion is no easy feat. Moreso than normal Vaulderie, the participants in the rite must give of themselves to properly transubstantiate the subject’s blood. This occurs at the point in the rite when the rites of provocation are completed and the supporting participants expel the frenzy into the vampire being transformed. At that point, an expenditure of one Willpower point is expected of all the participants. For the would-be Therion himself, this expenditure is of course permanent. For his covey-mates, this expenditure will suppress the frenzy and assist their brother’s transformation. If a participant chooses not to expend the willpower, the ritual will still be successful if at least two other participants do so (in addition to the Therion himself). Upon regaining full awareness, the Therion will know which of his brethren made the sacrifice to his rebirth and which did not.
It is important to note that the creation of one of the Therion is a deeply sacred and considered act of the covey. It is unlikely that a covey would ever go through with such a rite if the support of one or more of its members were in question. In a case in which such a ritual is performed, and one of the covey members does not sacrifice the requisite Willpower, the reaction can be extreme as not doing so is considered an insult bordering on blasphemy.
Unlike traditional bloodlines, the Therion may only awaken in a vampire of Blood Potency 3 or greater. The normal conditions for inheriting or choosing a bloodline are ignored for the purposes of creating one of the Therion.

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