The Monachal Creed
By far the most widely followed creed, the Monachal Creed claims more than half of all Sanctified worldwide as adherents. This creed, which for centuries was the only creed, follows The Sanguineous Catechism in its original and most traditional form, and Monachal ritae are extremely similar to Catholic services in tone and regalia. Religious leaders are generally referred to as Priests, though Bishops, Archbishops and Cardinals also share many of the same responsibilities. In many parishes, rites are still observed in Latin. Common ritae include vampiric analogs to Catholic baptism services, confirmations, and confessional rites. The creed even includes the Last Rites, though they are usually performed not on the Sanctified but on prospective childer prior to the Embrace as the creation Rite. Regular services include a communion ceremony quite similar to that of the Catholic Church, though, naturally, these employ Vitae. Indeed, in a very real sense, many Monachal followers are “more Catholic” than the Catholic Church, since several interpretations of the body of canon predate the reforms of Vatican II.
Tenets of Faith
The Monachal Creed
I believe in God, the Father almighty, creator of Heaven and Earth.I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, who was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary to redeem Man from Sin through his death and resurrection.
I believe that Longinus, by piercing the Savior’s side as he hung from the Cross, did reveal the divinity of Christ through fulfillment of the prophecies and that, while Longinus was rightly Damned for his blasphemy, his damnation was itself part of God’s Holy Plan.
I believe that those so Damned are the agents of God’s will, chosen to receive the Embrace that we may test the faithful and reveal the divinity within each of them.
I believe that for my sins I am damned to Hell and yet through damnation I may find my purpose in God’s Holy Plan.