Unseen Master

Dominate •••••, Obfuscate ••

Vampire the Requiem - Covenant - Carthians
Just as Brute Cannot Betray and Occulted Spirit are used to protect high-powered Carthian initiates of Auspex and Animalism, Unseen Master protects devotees of Dominate.


Characters who succeed at activating Unseen Master before using Possession cannot be detected as possessors using occult means. That is, no supernatural initiate (be he Kindred, mortal sorcerer or something else) can look at the possessed person, apply a mystic ability and know that the person is possessed. Unseen Master can cloak only the person being personally possessed: a character cannot use Unseen Master on a mortal being remotely controlled by his coterie-mate, for example.
Material Components
Cost: 1 Willpower
Gestures & Ritual
Dice Pool: Intelligence + Occult + Obfuscate
Related Discipline
Dominate •••••, Obfuscate ••
Effect Casting Time
This power costs 15 experience points to learn.