Whispers Through Time Spell in Vampirism for Amoral Sociopaths | World Anvil
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Whispers Through Time

Level-Three Theban Sorcery Ritual

Vampire the Requiem - Ancient Mysteries
Through careful manipulation of the blood, a vampire is able to take a specific memory or thought from her mind and place it into the blood itself for later use, whether it be to remind her of something that needs to be done or to provide others a clue as to a specific event or moment in time. Once the ritual is enacted, the memory leaves the vampire’s mind until restored by ingesting the blood. Upon freeing and ingesting the blood from its storage unit (whatever the Kindred chooses as the vessel is subject to the same restrictions as Vitae Reliquary), the vitae provides that vampire with the mental image or thought that was captured within. The moment is brief, lasting no more than a single turn.
The blood remains active as long as it is within the reliquary. Once shattered, the blood must be ingested immediately to activate the memory. If a full turn passes and the blood is not consumed, it turns to ash and the memory contained within is lost forever.
Prerequisite: Vitae Reliquary
Material Components
Offering: As for Vitae Reliquary.
Related Discipline

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