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The Utsocim Guard (/utˈsokim/)



The Utsocim guards wear a secretive advance combat armor when on duty. This armor is a gunmetal gray with black accents that symbolize both strength and stealth. The armor has a symbol for the Utsocim Guard on the right arm and a symbol of the United Systems of the Galaxy on the left arm. On each of the soldiers left breast piece is the symbol of their rank within the Guard. Each guard carries a personal Thal Shield Projectors, a medkit that is carried on their nondominate side.


Each soldier is equiped with a [[long range rifle]], [[pistol]] and 2 [[plasma grenades]] for stunning living creatures and disabling robotics and 2 [[frag grenades]] for living targets.


There is always a sniper overlooking any area that is being watched or targeted. This provides a higher vantage point and quick reaction times if needed.



The selection process for the Utsocim Guard is one of if not the most rigorous and demanding in the galaxy. This process ensures that only the most elite and capable individuals are chosen to protect the Chief Arbiter and the United Systems of the Galaxy. The selection is multi-phased, assessing candidates' physical, mental, and ethical attributes to ensure they meet the highest standards.  

Selection Phases

  1. Nomination and Preliminary Screening:
    • Nomination:Potential candidates are nominated by their superior officers based on exemplary performance and service records. Only the top 1% of military personnel and intelligence agents are considered.
    • Preliminary Screening: Nominated candidates undergo a thorough background check, including a review of their service history, personal life, and psychological profile. This screening is designed to identify any potential red flags or issues that could compromise their integrity or performance.
  2. Physical Assessment:
    • Physical Fitness Test: Candidates must pass a comprehensive physical fitness test that includes endurance, strength, agility, and combat readiness.
    • Combat Simulation: In a controlled environment, candidates participate in combat simulations to evaluate their tactical skills, decision-making under pressure, and ability to work as part of a team.
  3. Psychological Evaluation:
  4. Mental Resilience: Candidates undergo psychological tests to assess their mental resilience and ability to handle high-stress situations.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 17, 2024 17:59 by Marjorie Ariel

This really is the best of the best!   I felt a little unclear reading this--not entirely sure what they are guarding or how they came to be. I would recommend adding a paragraph with the vignette to give newcomers to your world a broad overview.

Aug 17, 2024 23:21

Thank you so much! I am very new to this and really wanted to try and create a Sci-fi Universe of my own. I will certainly take your words to make this article even better. Thank you again!

Aug 19, 2024 04:36 by Marjorie Ariel

Well welcome! I'm glad you're trying something new and I hope you have fun doing it! Good luck with your world!