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Dawn of Lightning

Dawn of Lightning


Chapter I: Iori Isono

  The year is 588, Kotake and Senri Isono have welcomed a daughter into the struggling world, they would go on to name her Iori Isono. Iori was an adventurous girl even from a young age, her parents struggled to maintain their family after the birth of Iori's younger sister Kiya. Desperate to help, Iori would do whatever she could for her parents. By the age of 10, she had already mastered the wakizashi, a 3/4 length katana. She joined a mercenary group at 14 and proved herself as an exemplary warrior. When Iori turned 17, something happened that she had never anticipated, she had a dream one night which was more of a vision or instructions, when she awoke her path became clear, she set off for The Storm Shrine.    

Chapter II: Acclimation

  After being granted the power of Storm Summoning, Iori would undergo years and years of vigorous training and discipline to allow her the full extent of the power. The transition can prove extremely difficult for anybody first gaining the power, the wielder must train their body to accept the immense power and not let it take them over. Iori was special, she was the only holder that was able to transition flawlessly and because of her natural-born aptitude, she would become the most powerful Daughter of The Storm ever to exist. When her training was complete, Oaris offered Iori her pick of weapons, she chose the wakizashi as she was already a master with it. Oaris would bless the weapon with her divine power, which allowed Iori's power to flow through it and enhance her raw strength in storm summoning even more.    

Chapter III: The Voices

  The power of Storm Summoning is extensive and each wielder finds a new way to use it, for Iori, she could hear the voices of everyone in the world which she could control through the extremely faint persistent electrical pulses in the air and environment. Iori was the only person to ever pull this feat off. One night during meditation, Iori connected to the voices and overheard plans to from military generals to raze one of the local cities. Instantly, she knew what must be done and went to defend it.   Riding full speed through the night gave her time to pray to Oaris and give her the strength to defend the city, Oaris heard Iori and granted her the full range of her power. She arrived at the city just in time to warn them of the immediate threat and help them prepare their defenses. Marching over the horizon was an army like never seen before, hundreds of thousands of men storming towards the city, siege towers, battering rams, catapults were all making steady pace ready to tear the city apart. Iori knew there was only one thing she could do to stop them.    

Chapter IV: Dawn

  As the sun began to rise, not many could see it as the army blocked it out like an eclipse, it was time. Iori went to the cities defense forces and told them to stay out of the fight, they reluctantly agreed but not after warning her of the certified tombstone that would be waiting for her.   Stood outside the main gate, Iori was ready for what would come next. The army, nearing the outer walls halted as the attacking general came riding towards her. The 2 came face to face and Iori offered the general an out, he could leave now with his army or suffer the consequences. The general laughing in her face rode back towards his army and shouting orders to prepare to attack.   The first line of infantry started to charge towards Iori, she drew a line in the mud with her weapon and got into a combat stance. Suddenly, dark storm clouds formed and blinding blue light started shining down, which then formed into lighting striking around the charging soldiers but still they pushed on. Eventually, Iori had enough on warning them and unleashed the full power of her Storm Summoning onto the entire army.   In an amazing display of fighting and decimating the entire battlefield with lightning, the general who had lost almost his entire army withdrew from the battle. Iori did not feel like letting him go, so she charged up a strike and unleashed the her full power through her sword directed at the fleeing general and his forces. A bright flash engulfed the battlefield and when it subsided, a battlefield full of soldiers had vanished as if it never happened. Ash rained down from the sky as the clouds opened back up again letting sunlight shine back down upon the city.


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