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The Goddess of Storms Oaris

At the dawn of time, the world was formed by spirit energy colliding into itself in space. Over hundreds of years, the world began to take shape and then became a blank canvas. During this time, more and more spirit energy collided and made something different, the first intelligent life; the Gods. Each God was unique and one asserted himself as their leader, this was Oahn. Oahn and his congregation of Gods had no clear direction and were forced to find their purpose. Together on the vast empty world of rock and magma they all chose a role and began to fill the empty canvas with oceans, forests, mountains, and everything that is seen in the present day.   Oaris was asked to be Oahn's right hand which she accepted, she chose to hold dominion lightning and storms, Oaris would also work in conjunction with Vulcan to strike the world with lightning and let the fire raze all that needed to be corrected. In time, the world was no longer an empty plane of nothingness, but a beautiful bustling world full of animals and scenic wonders.   One day, Eikthyrnir the God of life proposed to Oahn that something was missing and he wanted to create a new form of life to be their descendants. Oahn agreed and together they created the first Humans. In the beginning, they were merely puppets and had no function other than what the Gods controlled them to do, this grew tiring quickly and Eikthyrnir began coming up with solutions, the ultimate decision was to give them sentience which Oahn and Oaris both advised and warned against, but he went ahead with it anyway.   After observing the humans grow and explore and create and destroy for over 200 years, the Gods had all realized that they were no longer in control of their creation. With Oahn's blessing, Oaris decided to find one human who was different from the rest, one who could be molded into a hero and keep the world united and in harmony with one another. She had her worshippers construct a shrine and a temple in her name and form a following dedicated to serving her. Oaris then instructed her followers to find and bring Iaris Cristine to the temple where she would take the pledge and fulfil the role of Daughter of The Storm.   Oaris' success with Iaris was unprecedented and the world was finally in unison, until The Harmonic Split. Humans from all across the world had grown tired of their divine overlords and wanted them gone. Many Gods were slain in the war and the ones who had escaped to the newly formed realm The Spirit World were only able to do so because of Iaris' sacrifice.

Divine Domains


Divine Symbols & Sigils

A lightning bolt
Divine Classification
Current Location
Current Residence

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