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Komuro Takahashi

Emperor of Amatsu Komuro Takahashi

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Peak physical condition

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in Seki, Komuro's father was the right hand man to Enatsu Kinzo, the ruling emperor of Amatsu. His mother, a diplomat trying to restore relations between The Hinami Empire and the rest of the world. Komoru's partents had little time for him so he was given more freedom than a yong child should ever have, however, he grew fuious over the years that he never had a proper relationship with them.   In his teenage years, Komuro became more and more adventurous, at night he would go and scout out the enemy encampments close to Seki and watch them all night. He took fighting classes and learned how to use a Nodachi as he had seen Enatsu Kinzo's otherworldly skills with it and wanted to become as good as him. One night, he took off towards one of the smaller camps he had been watching and closely monitoring for a while. He had recorded entries in his journal of when the men would be swapped out and figured out that there was about a 2-hour gap where their defenses were at it's weakest.   He waited and waited until the men rode off back towards one of the bigger camps, it was his time to strike. He snuck in through a hole in the outer perimeter and took out a few archers posted on the wall and threw their bodies over the edge to hide them. Unfortunately, a patrolling guard caught him midway through hiding their bodies and alerted the rest of the camp. Komuro was a very intelligent person and had been watching them for weeks. He knew a lot about the people he was fighting and how they fought, many of the guards had sustained injuries prior to being assigned to the camp and Komuro knew about them.   Komuro stood there in a defensive stance ready for the first enemy to make their move, he exploited his weakness and had him on the ground in under 5 seconds. Komuro had never taken a life before and froze when faced with the decision, he didn't notice that one of the other soldiers had started charging towards him and managed to land a minor blow to Komuro. In shock, Komuro snapped back into reality and fought off the soldier, decapitating him almost instantly. The adrenaline had taken over at this point and Komuro knew he wasn't going to get out alive unless he killed them all. He executed the solider that he had knocked down previously and then fought off the other 12 or so soldiers.   After such a devastating defeat to the soldiers in the camp, he left one alive to return to the others and let them know that Seki was not to be taken for granted. From that day on, the camp he had taken over was never touched by the enemy ever again. Enatsu Kinzo never truly knew why it was abandoned, but he had his suspicions as a guard had reported seeing Komuro sneak back in, bleeding and with his sword and armor soaked in blood.   As Komuro grew up, he learned even more skills and even how to identify the weakness of an opponent within 30 seconds of fighting them. He had an unnatural ability to read people and exploit their weakness to his advantage.   In 4113, he was woken to the deafening sound of the alarm bells. He got up and grabbed his gear and ran towards the outer wall, on his way down the main street a flaming rock from an enemy catapult struck the ground right next to him and he was knocked over and concussed. When he came to a couple of minutes later, he was met with the view of the outer wall gate getting blasted through and hundreds of knights storming in. Komuro took out as many as he could, but was overwhelmed and had to retreat to the palace.   When he arrived at the palace, the busted through the doors to see his father fighting off some knights, and was struck down. In a fit of pure rage, Komuro ran straight into a group of knights and killed them all with extreme swiftness and they were all dead after about a minute of fighting. He pushed further into the palace and entered the throne room to see Enatsu Kinzo on his knees with a knight standing over him. Komuro hid behind a pillar and waited for a good time to strike, however that never came as the knight beheaded Enatsu Kinzo, Komuro remained hidden and learned the identity of the knight that took the emperors life, Jordanus Virilis.   The knight's victory was short-lived as the entirety of Seki's guards and military charged the palace and drove them out. With Enatsu Kinzo and his wife dead, there was nobody to take the role of emperor. Komuro spoke to the head of the guards and they both decided that he should become the ruling emperor.   After a few weeks of rebuilding and fixing the damage caused by the battle, Komuro would hold a ceremony for his promotion to emperor and the entire city would come to watch. He vowed from that day onwards that he would avenge the previous emperor and make sure that Jordanus Virilis pays for his actions.   A few years later his mother would pass away, leaving him alone. He didn't much care about their deaths to begin with, he was sad, but not that sad since he never had a proper relationship with them.




Self-educated from reading, doing things himself, and watching other people.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Single-handedly taking out a camp of knights at the age of 17

Mental Trauma

Anti-social as a result of having no real relationship with his parents, and having very little chances of socializing.

Intellectual Characteristics

Extremely intelligent
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
4078 AC 42 Years old
Current Residence
Short Black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
179 cm
67 Kg
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages
Character Prototype
Takuya Kimura

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