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Jordanus Virilis

Jordanus Virilis


Physical Description

Facial Features

Short scruffy beard

Identifying Characteristics

Large slash across his left cheek

Apparel & Accessories

Custom made Black Iron armour

Specialized Equipment


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Jordanus was born in 4091 AC, his parents were expecting a girl and were not impressed when they had a son. For years he was not given the attention he required and was often neglected. In 4095 AC, his sister Velia Virilis was born and his parents were overjoyed, which meant Jordanus would receive even less attention and they left him to his own devices. He and Velia were very close while growing up and would often work together running schemes at the local market, she would cause a distraction while Jordanus slipped his hands into pockets and bags, grabbing coins and valuables that would later be sold.   One day, Velia told Jordanus that she was tired of being held in such high regards and the parental pressure was getting too much, later that night she left home and did not come back. Looking for someone to blame, his parents decided that it was all his fault and claimed she had become tainted by his schemes. Eventually, Jordanus too, left home to get away from his unbearable parents. For days he wandered from town to town, city to city, until he ended up in Taron Thal where an army recruiter handed him an enlistment flyer. Arriving at the army training grounds a few days later, he enlisted and went through training to join The Knights Order in their fight against The Hinami Empire.   Over the years, Jordanus became a noteworthy fighter and preferred the two-handed longsword over the standard one-handed sword and shield. He rose through the ranks quicker than anyone ever had and was promoted to Captain just 4 years into his service, showing exceptional leadership and knowledge of tactics and formations. After a decisive victory at Panwei, his superiors promoted him to Commander. More and more swift victories with minimal casualties landed him his final promotion to General of The Western Front which granted him many, many benefits. With his newly bestowed power, he learned that his sister Velia was also in the army serving as a Sergeant in Loch Lomond. For a few months, he paid close attention to her very promising military career and commanded her superiors to fast track her up to Captain.   Jordanus grew power hungry and always wanted more command, more soldiers, more gold, but The Knights Order didn't have anything for him, he had become one of the most powerful generals in the Order and had reached his peak. Even executing the Emperor of Amatsu got him meager rewards and a ceremony in his name, but it was not enough. Slowly, his opinions towards the Order grew stale, especially after learning that they were beginning to lose the war despite their best efforts, blaming the other generals. Velia had become a legend on the Northern front and Jordanus subsequently promoted her to Commander.   Tensions growing, battling a losing war, stumped power growth, Jordanus was done being a puppet for The King, he went and met with Velia for the first time since she left home and made her an offer. He planned to stage a military coup with five other high-ranking officers, they would siphon as many soldiers and officers as they could for their cause, any who refused would lose their heads. Velia agreed and together with the help of Tadia Caldus, Robertus Salvian, Gripus Aruns, Syra Musa and Stadius Panthera they overthrew The Knights Order, taking whatever they could and breaking away to form The Order of Seven. About a year later, the power vacuum caused the collapse of The Knights Order.


Military Service, 9 Years. Worked in his father's blacksmithing shop for about 7 years.

Accomplishments & Achievements

The capture and execution of Enatsu Kinzo,


Family Ties


Jordanus Virilis

Brother (Vital)

Towards Velia Virilis



Velia Virilis

Sister (Vital)

Towards Jordanus Virilis



Commonalities & Shared Interests

Long sword techniques and combat forms

Shared Secrets

They have both told each other every crime they have ever commited

Syra Musa

Subordinate (Vital)

Towards Jordanus Virilis



Jordanus Virilis

Commander (Important)

Towards Syra Musa



Robertus Salvian

Subordinate (Important)

Towards Jordanus Virilis



Jordanus Virilis

Superior (Vital)

Towards Robertus Salvian



Jordanus Virilis

Archnemisis (Trivial)

Towards Gudvær Skarfsson



Gudvær Skarfsson

Archnemisis (Important)

Towards Jordanus Virilis




Late one night, there was a raid conducted on one of Jordanus Virilis's camps while he was still in the military. Gudvær Skarfsson was the leader of the raiding party and his actions will never be forgotten.   A few years later, Jordanus Virilis would infiltrate one of Gudvær Skarfsson's villages and then burn everything and everyone, to the ground. During this event, Jordanus would murder Gudvær Skarfsson's wife.   From that point forward, they both vowed to make one another suffer until someone died.

Year of Birth
4091 AC 29 Years old
Circumstances of Birth
Jordanus was unwanted by his parents, they wanted him to be a girl
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
6'2 ft
82.5 Kg
Known Languages
Latin Old Norse Chinese Japanese Scottish Gaelic

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