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Goddess of The Moon Lucine

Divine Domains

The Moon & Night

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A crescent moon

Physical Description

Physical quirks

From hundreds of years of studying, her physical form's movement resembles that of the snow fox. Fragile, swift, and gentle movements.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Like all the other gods, Lucine was born out of the spirit energy from the formation of the world. They all decided on domains to rule over, with Lucine being the one to rule over the moon and night. As all the other gods chose how they wanted to appear in physical form, Lucine was still stuck deciding. It took her twin sister Ayla's choice for her to finally make a decision. Lucine chose her physical appearance to be a polar opposite of her sister's. She took the form of a young girl, with the tail and ears of a snow fox.   A few years after birth, the gods had settled in and started controlling their domains and establishing a form of world order. Lucine was fascinated with the snow fox, she thought it was an elegant, yet mysterious creature. She found one in The Frozen Forests of Unaoss and took it as her pet.   During the Harmonic Split, Lucine would take her pet snow fox with her to The Spirit World so she could always have it with her. Unfortunately, as all things must, her snow fox died a few years later. It felt like a part of her was lost and she became half empty. She travelled to Eikthyrnir's domain in the spirit world and asked a favour of him, a spirit snow fox bound to her. Eikthyrnir being the god of life, reluctantly agreed so long as she would keep it within the spirit world.   Years later, when all the gods were choosing human hosts to serve them and give them power they had never dreamed possible, Lucine felt like she was missing out. She decided to play fast and loose with Eikthyrnir's rules, and sent her spirit snow fox through to the physical world to seek out a compatible human host. She eventually settled on an almost pathetic looking human named Lycan. She communicated with Lycan and told him about her proposal, he would receive immense power over the moon and night time and in return he would serve her until the day he died. Lycan being gullible, accepted the offer without a second thought.   A couple of years later, Lucine and Lycan would forge The Ring of Lycan and she would betray his trust by placing a curse on the ring. She had intentionally, but unintentionally created a new species known as the Ulfhednar, a humanoid wolf with incredible strength, speed, and intelligence. Lucine dubbed it The Lycan Manifestation.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Creating the Ulfhednar


Family Ties



Sister (Vital)

Towards Lucine




Sister (Vital)

Towards Ayla



Divine Classification
Current Location
Current Residence
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
Lycan, you almost look like you are lost but at the same time, know exactly where you are.
Character Prototype
Ellen Page

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