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Yin Zhou

Yin Zhou

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yin Zhou's childhood was very disruptive and traumatic. His parents owed money to a powerful group of bandits and when they couldn't pay, they burned down their home in the middle of the night. Yin Zhou was the only survivor, but he came out with severe burns on his hands and arms. For the next 5 years, he would train in combat and track down the bandits that claimed his parents' lives.   One day he had discovered the location of their camp, Yin took out all sentries and patrol guards and then began dousing everything in extremely flammable oil. He threw a torch into the trail which sent everything up in roaring flames, washing out the darkness with a raging fire that could be seen for miles. Any stragglers who managed to make it out of the fire were quickly cut down. There were no reported survivors of the camp.   Having grown fond of fire, Yin began his studies into Vulcan and his following. Around the same time, a messenger sent by Emperor Cheng Lei arrived at Yin's place of residence, offering him a place in his court. Upon meeting with the Emperor, Yin was told that in their war against The Order of Seven, they needed someone to instil fear into their ranks. As Yin was accustomed to fire and understood how to maximise its effectiveness, he accepted his offer and began serving as a general in The Yulin Dynasty. His orders were to march on renegade towns and cities and raze them heavily, leaving nothing but ash and embers in their place.
Current Location
Year of Birth
4078 AC 42 Years old
Current Residence
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations

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