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God of Fire Vulcan

Divine Domains


Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born from a combination of spirit energy, extreme heat and fire, Vulcan established himself as the god of fire very early on. Upon discovering the full extent of his power, he created the Brazier of Indignation, an artifact capable of storing his power at the expense of becoming vulnerable without it. Vulcan would pair up with Oaris in the early days of the world and would piggyback power from her whenever there was a thunderstorm that would progress into fires, he was especially happy when it lead to wildfires.   Vulcan became too power-hungry and neglected to make any real plans for what he would do with such power, as such he began bullying the Humans for fun to intentionally elicit a response. One stormy day, Oaris struck a country home with a lightning storm which Vulcan jumped at and spread the fire rapidly, claiming a man's family. Vulcan would later regret this foul act when the man of the family he burned to death became a rallying general and started a revolution. This man was Simo Vedrix and he would have his revenge. After Simo sent his soldiers to destroy the brazier, Vulcan was left weak and vulnerable. Simo and his amassed armies stormed Etrya Island where many gods were slain, eventually, Simo caught up to Vulcan and without hesitation, plunged his spirit weapon into Vulcan's heart, causing a massive firey explosion which would claim the lives of Simo and hundreds of his soldiers.
Divine Classification
Current Location
0 BC 384 AC 384 years old
Circumstances of Death
Killed by Simo Vedrix during The Human Revolution
Place of Death
Current Residence

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