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Ying Dai

Ying Dai (a.k.a. The Dragon's Daughter)

Physical Description

Special abilities

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Ying was born into wealth and riches, but she was sheltered from the outside world by her parents. As a result of this, she never really had friends or got to socialize with other people. She was homeschooled and had dozens of different teachers. As Ying grew older, she yearned to see and experience the world more and more.   About 6-8 months before her 15th birthday, Ying hired a very skilled blacksmith to make her a custom sword and armor set. She went on to buy a horse that she hid in the local stables, and took fighting lessons and learned how to use her sword and survive by herself. She managed to achieve all of this without her parent's knowledge.   On her 15th birthday, her parents told her that she would be of marrying age in a year's time and that her parents were already considering a husband for her. Ying did not want this and no matter how much she pleaded, her parents would not listen. A few weeks later she plotted out a plan of action, went to retrieve her horse and gear and took off in the middle of the night.   After traveling around for about 3 years, she eventually ended up in Langda Gongshe. She visited the capital city to resupply on gear and while passing through, she drew the attention of one of Cheng Lei's elite personal guards. The guard would relay to Cheng Lei that there was a potential recruit in the market place, and he set up a test for her.   While Ying was browsing the test had begun, a local mercenary started blaming her for the death of his best friend and he then attacked Ying. To everyone's surprise, the mercenary was on the ground in under 10 seconds and Cheng Lei stepped in just before Ying took his head. Cheng Lei explained to Ying that it was a test to see her combat aptitude. He offered her a place in his elite guard unit, which Ying happily accepted.   Ying was set up in a spare master bedroom inside Yozhuan Castle and given proper elite training from the rest of the guards. Eventually Ying was promoted to Cheng's right hand and she would undertake many tasks for him.   Over time, Ying began questioning her decision as she slowly came to the conclusion that Cheng was tyrannical. Her loyalty towards Cheng started to diminish, but she didn't let it show.   Shortly after Ying's 25th birthday, she went back to her childhood home back in Mowu. She reunited with her parents and told them about her travels and story since she left. Her parents were happy that she found her path, but pleaded for her to return home as the world was too dangerous for her. Shocked that her parents were still trying to control her, she left hastily after saying goodbye.   While she was riding back to Yozhuan Castle, she was extremely angry and frustrated and overlooked a crevice which she fell into. At the bottom, she discovered a pile of human remains. She figured it must have been someone who suffered the same fate. Next to the skeletal body was a scroll covered in dust and seemed very weathered. She opened it up and read about Ao Qin, God of The North Ocean, and upon further inspection of the remains, she found the crest of Ao Qin's Aspect.   Ying wanted to learn more, so she found a way out of the cave using some leftover black power and got back up to the surface. Ying sent a messenger hawk back to Cheng Lei explaining that she wouldn't be back for a while, and headed towards Ko-Ti Island. She hired a boat service to take her there and she began looking for Ao Qin's Pantheon.   Eventually, she found where it should be, but it wasn't anywhere to be seen. After hours of a frustrating search, she kicked a rock off the cliff side, the sudden shift of weigh caused a small chunk of the cliff to crumble below her and she fell into the water. After landing she opened her eyes and saw Ao Qin's Pantheon very deep underwater. Ying returned to land and prepared to do a deep dive.   As she was swimming down she realized she would not make it there in time, but she had to try anyway. Just as she had run out of oxygen, a bright flash appeared and she could breathe again. Everything looked the same, except for the fact that she could see completely and clearly, and she could also breathe normally. While looking around she felt a looming presence behind her, when she turned around she was met with Ao Qin. Ying explained why she was there and that she was looking for him. Ao Qin signaled to follow her to his Pantheon.   Ao Qin explained to Ying that she had found the old Ocean Presence host back in the crevice, that she was currently in the spirit world, and that he now was seeking a new host. Ying asked if she would be accepted as the new host, to which Ao Qin told her that she would need to pass his tests, and pass them she did.   After being granted Ocean Presence, Ying returned to Yozhuan Castle and had the private blacksmiths reforge her armour, but with designs and inspiriation from Ao Qin. Ying also added the crest of Ao Qin's Aspect to it.


Homeschooled, Ages 4-15 Cheng Lei's private elite training programme, Ages 18-29


Cheng Lei's Elite Guard Unit, 9 Years Cheng Lei's Right Hand, 3+ Years
Current Location
Year of Birth
4087 AC 33 Years old
Current Residence
Short, Brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
5'8 ft
60 Kg
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Character Prototype
Liu Yifei

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