Apex Implements

Three legendary artifact crating implements used to create the Hexblights that allow the creation of other powerful artifacts.    The Ravenbone Tongs were created by the Bone Goblins and can withstand any amount of heat and disable the magic of any item grabbed, allowing the creation of the strongest of artifacts.   The Hammer of Boiling Iron was made by Ash Dwarves - a smith’s hammer that is molten, bubbling, melds and hardens and shapes itself as needed. It can withstand any amount of force and always strikes true.   The Death-sealed Gauntlet was made by the Forgefathers. Members of the Infinitely Impure sacrificed themselves for its creation. made from the highest-quality Illustrine, the gauntlet makes the bearer's arm immune to all damage and  gives them an unbreakable grip.
  The Hammer of Boiling Iron  
  The Ravenbone Tongs


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