10 - Rowdy Rabbit

General Summary

Cyrus has tasked the cartographers with collecting different meats and foods in preparation for a celebratory feast being thrown in the honor the the guild heads Orobash & Amyra's return from their year long expedition.   He has asked for this food items to be collected:
  • Grassy Plains Musk Ox beef
  • King Quipper steaks
  • Great Pidgeon Eggs
  • Dire Rabbit Haunches
  • Giant Ladybug Meat
  • Boison Berries
  •   The party was informed that just as rabbits make their homes in a den, so do dire rabbits. One of the only locations nearby that could house a den big enough for a dire rabbit would be the series of caves at the base of the Spine Breaker Ridge near the border between the The Heartlands and The Deadlands so that's where the cartographers head off towards.  


    Ambushing the Ambushers

    On the way to the caves the party noticed cart or wagon tracks in the dried mud leading them to stay alert for any potential threats, which was good for them as Pitter-Patter spotted some archers lying in wait on the cliffsides of a narrow section of the path. With this information Felix climbed the western cliff while Gnaa climbed the eastern cliff and they readied their own ambush on the archers while Pitter-Patter was ready on the ground with his bow. They initiated their ambush and successfully took down the three archers who appeared to be members of the band of poachers The Cartographers Guild has been dealing with and continued on their way. They found no sign of the wagon or cart.  

    The Crystal Cavern

    Rowdy Rabbit

    The cartographers arrive at a a cave and believe they are at the right spot after spotting some rather large rabbit droppings, and make their way into the cave. While the sun doesn't shine into the depths of the cave, there were mushrooms growing inside the cave that emanated low level of light. The party first investigates the western area of the cave, with a hole leading deeper downward near the southern wall, and some glowing blue mushrooms growing on the northwestern wall.   Felix and Pitter-Patter go to check out the mushrooms while Gnaa investigates the hole in the ground, to which a large Dire Rabbit emerged from, slamming and thumping it's large feet on the ground as a sign of intimidation before leaping towards Gnaa. Pitter-Patter and Felix again quickly rushed Gnaa's aid. They work together to slay and then beautifully butcher the beast, notably gaining the dire rabbits fluffy tail and two large feet before going to explore the rest of the cave.  

    Creepy Crawlies

    Moving towards the eastern side of the cave they can see a large amount of spider webs lining the walls but continue onward. Moving around a bend in the tunnel they see another cluster of glowing mushrooms growing on the walls nearby, except these emanated red light, and further down the path still they could see more of the glowing blue mushrooms. But while investigating the mushrooms a trio of Giant Spiders descended from the ceiling and attacked the party.   The tight quarters led it to be a difficult fight but the cartographers pulled through in the end. After harvesting what they could from the spiders they moved to the last area of the cave where they found a strange orange crystal growing in the wall. Pitter-Patter very carefully worked to withdraw the stone from the wall, even afterwards it strangely continued to glow and even radiate low amounts of heat. They also collect some mushroom samples before packing up and heading back to the guild.

    Rewards Granted

    Image Item & Description Quantity
    Martial Ranged, 150 / 600 ft, Heavy / Two-Handed / Ammunition, 1d8 piercing damage
    x 3
    Martial Melee, Light / Finess, 1d6 piercing damage
    x 2
    Arrow Bundle
    A bundle contains x20 Standard Arrows
    x 1
    Dire Rabbit Feet
    Could these be the fabled lucky rabbits feet?
    x 2
    Dire Rabbit Cotton Tail
    x 1
    Giant Rabbit Haunch
    A haunch of roasted dire rabbit meat.
    x 11
    Giant Spider Venom
    A creature subjected to this poison must make a DC 11 Constitution saving throw, taking 9 (2d8) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
    x 3
    Giant Spider Silk Sac
    A sticky, bulbous sac half full of spider silk.
    x 1
    Giant Spider Legs
    Crunchy roasted giant spider legs
    x 4
    Blue Mushroom
    A blue-ish green mushroom sample harvested from the dire rabbit's lair. This is a great sample to learn from or test
    x 1
    Red Mushroom
    A red mushroom harvested from the dire rabbit's lair. This is a poor sample to learn from or to test.
    x 1
    Glowing Orange & Yellow Crystal
    A crystal found and harvested from a cave northewest of Stonehelm. Continues to glow even after removing it from the cave wall.
    x 1
    Guild Payment
    Sweet, sweet money.
    7gp, 5 sp each

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    Report Date
    05 Sep 2022
    Primary Location
    Secondary Location
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