
Armor & Equipment

Image Item & Description Quantity
Ghillie Suit
Light Armor, 10 AC, This suit grants you advantage on stealth check in those forest regions.
x 2
Leather Armor
Light Armor, 11 AC, The breastplate and shoulder protectors of this armor are made of leather that has been stiffened by being boiled in oil. The rest of the armor is made of softer and more flexible materials.
x 2
Studded Leather Armor
Light Armor, 12 AC, TMade from tough but flexible leather, studded leather is reinforced with close-set rivets or spikes.
x 1
Studded Grasshopper Leather Armor
Light Armor, 13 AC, Made from tough but flexible leather, reinforced with the carapace of giant grasshoppers. It appeared to resist acid destruction in the field.
x 0
Folmer's Cast-Off Leather
Light Armor, 11 AC, This armor previously belonged to the poacher Folmer.   You can don or doff this armor as an action.
x 1
A shield made from wood and is carried in one hand. Wielding a shield increases your Armor Class by 2. You can benefit from only one shield at a time.
x 1


Image Item & Description Quantity
Martial Ranged, 150 / 600 ft, Heavy / Two-Handed / Ammunition, 1d8 piercing damage
x 12
Simple Ranged, 80 / 320 ft, Two-Handed / Ammunition, 1d6 piercing damage
x 1
Folmer's Shortbow
Simple Ranged, 80 / 320 ft, Two-Handed / Ammunition, 1d6 piercing damage
x 1
Light Crossbow
Simple Ranged, 80 / 320 ft, Two-Handed / Ammunition / Loading, 1d8 piercing damage
Martial Melee, Versatile, 1d8 (1d10) slashing damage
Hand Axe
Simple Melee, Light / Thrown (20/60ft.), 1d6 slashing damage
x 9
Martial Melee, Versatile, 1d8 (1d10) slashing damage
x 10
Martial Melee, Light / Finess, 1d6 piercing damage
x 6
Folmer's Shortsword
Martial Melee, Light / Finess, 1d6 piercing damage
x 1
Folmer's Dagger
Simple Melee, Light / Finess / Thrown (20/60ft.), 1d4 piercing damage
x 1
Simple Melee, Light / Finess / Thrown (20/60ft.), 1d4 piercing damage
x 4
Martial Melee, 1d8 piercing damage
x 1


Image Item & Description Quantity
Arrow Bundle
A bundle contains x20 Standard Arrows. 4 of these bundles were taken from the Poacher camp and appear to be marked with a merchants signature.
x 14
Bolt Bundle
A bundle contains x20 Standard Bolts.
x 1
Shop Manager
  • Weapon Smithing
  • Armor Smithing
  • Gear Repair & Modification
  • Standing Orders
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