Folmer Leoran

Deceased - Expedition 17a - It's Free Real Estate


Folmer Leoran was born in the city of Ostenward, the product of a human father and an elven mother. Tragically, both of his parents died when he was very young, leaving Folmer to fend for himself on the streets. He quickly learned to be resourceful and used his natural charm and wit to survive in the city's rough neighborhoods. As he got older, however, he found himself drawn to a life of crime. Using his intelligence and natural dexterity, Folmer became an assassin, specializing in the use of poisons to kill his targets. He gained a reputation as one of the most skilled assassins in the region, feared by many for his deadly efficiency.
Notes from Legion 27- Click to reveal
Most of his targets were either wealthy merchants, or underground figures, gang heads and the like. His list of victims is absent of any politician or children. Mostly men but there were more than a few woman on his long list of suspected kills.
  I didn't find any connection between the hits, by checking through the City Watch reports and reading through the suspected names of who hired him for the hits, it appeared to usually be one competitor trying to kill of the other. He didn't seem to work for an organization or anything, just whoever had the coin. And granted they weren't a child or politician apparently.
  -Legion 27, notes from personal investigation.

However, despite his success, Folmer eventually became disillusioned with his life of crime. Driven by a desire for change, Folmer set out to find a new purpose in life. Leaving the city behind -
Notes from Legion 27- Click to reveal
The last name on Folmer's suspected kill list gave me pause, as it didn't follow his normal motives. Gabriel Ruis was the owner of a series of orphanages in the slums. He wasn't incredibly wealthy and it wasn't like there was much competition in the orphanage scene. As a matter-of-fact, since his murder now one has properly restarted or refunded those orphanages in years.
  Though the link to Folmer is weak. The kill wasn't done with his calling card of Giant Wasp Venom, but was instead done by the incredibly rare Purple Wurm Venom. Due to these facts the officials noted that this may have either been a personal kill for revenge or money owed before ditching town, or that someone else entirely did the murder. In that case the file noted that Folmer would have been the most likely source for a poison such as that so if he was not the killer than he may have knowledge who was.

- Folmer wandered the wilderness, unsure of what he was looking for. One day, he stumbled upon a bare-skinned man being ravaged by a pack of wolves. Folmer aided the man, who introduced himself as Vulfiir, a barbarian of the wilds. After the rescue Vulfiir promised a life debt to Folmer, and the pair became inseparable, journeying together through the wilderness. Eventually, they found themselves among the ranks of the poachers, with Folmer leading his own small band with Vulfiir beside him.   Today, Folmer is a complex figure, haunted by the memory of his parents and driven by a desire to make them proud, even in death. He struggles with guilt and regret over his past actions, but is comforted by the knowledge that he put his past behind him. He has formed a strong bond with Vulfiir and is fiercely protective of him. Though Folmer still carries his assassin's skills, he now uses them to protect his allies and hunt beast in the unknown. With Vulfiir at his side, Folmer is a force to be reckoned with in the wilds, and a valuable ally to anyone fighting against the forces of darkness.

--Goals:To find redemption for his past crimes.--
Folmer struggles with guilt and regret over his past actions, and sometimes feels unworthy of redemption.
Folmer has a strong sense of loyalty to those he considers his allies, and will do anything to protect them, he also has a soft spot for children and will go out of his way to help them.

Guild Interactions

Was first spotted at The Poachers forest outpost during Expedition 14 - Cartographers Bite Back. It appeared that they were using this camp as a base to hunt the Treetumblers as concluded by the finding of a map that depicted the creatures nesting grounds. Folmer ultimately escaped the party and wasn't afraid to shove his own men out of the way to ensure his own escape.
  He was again encountered in Expedition 16b - A Hasty Retreat as the Cartographers (Eduardo "Eddo" Jeron, Kneel, Ramsey, & Thaddeus Maximus) were hunting down the murderers of the Treetumblers. He was scene at a campsite chatting with and owlin, the same Quanee that the Cartographers had met while infiltrating the poachers Stonehelm hideout. Folmer was handing over a large sized duffle bag that Quanee slung around his chest. The Cartographers engaged the group but was forced to retreat, allowing Folmer, Quanee, and most of the poachers to live another day.
  Folmer was found again during Expedition 17a - It's Free Real Estate holding a small fort in the wilderness. The Cartographers (Eduardo "Eddo" Jeron, Enik, Legion 27, Thaddeus Maximus, & Wally) carefully began their assault on the fort. Folmer and his ally Vulfiir were able to get inside the fort and bar the door but that didn't stop the Cartographers. The fort was breached and the poachers had begun to fall when Folmer was blinded by Eddo's magical moon beam, and it all started to fall apart for poachers at that point.   Vulfiir attempted to grab Folmer and bring him to safety but he was cut down by Wally in the end, leaving Folmer to be interrogated by the Cartographers in the field. He shared some pieces of info, notably:  
  • There is another campsite about 30-45 minutes up the hill
  • Manned by Vulfiir's brothers band
  • The use the help of "The Natives"
  • Later determined to be Bullywugs
  • When questioned about his past he appeared to be regretful
  •   He falls unconcious during the interrogation and in the end bleeds out in his sleep.
  • Wetwork
  • Poisons
  • Survival
  • Children