Giant Toad

In terms of physical description, giant toads completely matched normal toads, except in size. Their skin was dry and bumpy or "warty" as some described it, often rough to the touch. However, their appearance varied between species. The base species of giant toad has colorations ranging from weak brown to iron red.On average the base species of giant toad grew up to be 5 ft. in length.  
Big Mouth
Giant toads were a carnivorous species, liable to attempt to devour anything that appeared edible. They were often attracted to settled areas, where they preyed upon livestock such as chickens, goats, sheep, or even a person.  
Fabulous Fangs
The Giant Toads that inhabit The Strange Forest displayed shades of blue and purple, had large fangs, and cawed like a crow.  


  • Expedition 07b - The Lost Ones
  • Creature Info

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