07b - The Lost Ones

General Summary

Enik & Wally wander away from the party, chasing after what looked to be a golden rabbit. They enter the forest following its trail, but before Scaley & Shelly know it, they are suddenly in bright and vibrant forest. It is oddly similar to the woods they were just in, but the colors of the trees were wildly different shades greens and blues, and there were numerous mushroom colonies thriving all around the pathway through this strange wood.   With no idea where they were at, Enik & Wally continued to follow this golden rabbits trail...  


The Strange Forest

They follow the rabbits trail through this path, going ever deeper into the wood. They hear skittering in the thickets to their side, and that's when four of these 5 ft. long, metallic Giant Centipede burst from the bushes and attacked Enik & Wally. They take down the creepy crawlies and continue down the path, noting that the begin to hear a deep, bellowing "CAW" of a raven.   As they continue through the wood they think they see a glimpse of the golden rabbit dash around a large tree. Enik & Wally peer around the tree and discover the creature that had been making that bellowing "CAW" sound, it wasn't a raven, or a bird at all. Instead it was a pair of Giant Toads that were blue and purple in color and had sets of nasty looking fangs.   The situation was looking ugly as Enik started to be swallowed by one of the Giant Toads. Wally used his Giant's Might

Giant's Might

3rd-level Rune Knight feature
You have learned how to imbue yourself with the might of giants. As a bonus action, you magically gain the following benefits, which last for 1 minute:  
  • If you are smaller than Large, you become Large, along with anything you are wearing. If you lack the room to become Large, your size doesn’t change.
  • You have advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws.
  • Once on each of your turns, one of your attacks with a weapon or an unarmed strike can deal an extra 1d6 damage to a target on a hit.
  • You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses of it when you finish a long rest.
    ability to try and save Enik . Though as he moved towards the toad that was consuming his partner, a Giant Tree Octopus appeared from the nearby branches and began lashing out at the enlarged Wally. The Giant Toad not consuming Enik took advantage of this and hit Wally with a nasty bite, cracking through his thick shell and scarring the skin beneath.   Wally continued through all of it and squeezed the other toad until it spit out Enik. The giant Wally finished off the creatures while Enik healed up and took a moment to collect his breath after being exposed to a nasty poison in the toads stomach. They guzzle down some potions and move on, following the path where they last saw the rabbit run, finding themselves in a clearing occupied by a peculiar character...  

    A deal is stuck

    They see a humanoid with powerful grasshopper legs, narrow arms with spines poking out of the suit it wore, and it had the wasps head atop its shoulders. The Waspman was carrying the Golden Rabbit in its arm, which they could now see had a small horn atop its fluffy head. The Waspman greets Enik & Wally and asks them for their names, to which both Cartographers respond....to their own detriment.   In that moment both Enik's & Wally's mind became clouded, but it dissipated nearly as quick as it appeared, leaving both cartographers...hollow. They had forgotten their names, but not only themselves, but everyone who had ever know these two characters forgot their names completely. Even the Guild records suddenly had ink or other unknown liquids spilled across their two names, obscuring them. The Waspman continued,
    Thank you for the names, they are very nice ones.
    ...oh? You want them back? Well you did give them to me, but I could be willing to give them back.

    See, now we've all lost something. You've lost your names, and I've lost my wings. If you could find and return my wings I would gladly return your names to you.
        The two cartographers agreed and decided to call themselves Scaley & Shelly based on their scaled and shelled appearances. They were able to make their way back to the entrance of this strange forest unassailed, and back to their allies awaiting them at camp.  

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    Report Date
    25 Jul 2022
    Primary Location
    Related Characters