Omen Vulture

To see an omen vulture is bad luck, because by the time you see it, it's probably coming for you. As opposed to both their regular and giant counterparts, These massive birds of prey feed as much on the fear and pain of their victims as they do on their flesh. As such, they prefer slow and painful jabs over killing blows, drawing out their prey's torment for long after the fight has been won.  

Dark Harbingers

The term 'omen vulture' is not unjustified. Whatever influence left their form as hateful and monstrous as it is, also infused them with dark magic, which in turn corrupts any creature an omen vulture comes into contact with.  

Gnoll's Best Friend

Gnolls are one of few creatures an omen vulture might tolerate, if only for their shared sense of malice and hunger.  


  • Expedition 12 - Wings of Desire
  • Creature Info

    Special Movement