12 - Wings of Desire

General Summary


Expedition 07a - Hunting of the Beast
  • After a pair of children have gone missing, and there have been sightings of a strange creature stalking outside the walls of Ostenward, the guild sent an expedition out to find this beast. They set off for the Cave of Songs as that is where Carfiir found a massacre of poacher and Giant Carnivorous Squirrels bodies.   The party encountered the beast which had been living inside of the cave. As it clawed its massive body out of the cave mouth, arrows began to rain from above it. Poachers had apparently hid themselves in the trees to ambush this creature. The guild aided the poachers in this fight but the poachers quickly turned on the party. They stood no chance however.   So the party take down this beast and the poachers but see no sign of the children. So they set up a small camp and begin tending to their wounds until they continue their search.   Full Expedition Report HERE
    Expedition 07b - The Lost Ones
  • While the party was tending to their wounds, Enik & Wally wandered off in pursuit of a golden rabbit they saw dash into the nearby woods. During their pursuit, they suddenly find themselves in a lively forest, full of bright colored flora and strange beasts. After a few (near death) encounters with the local beasts, they followed the rabbit into a clearing that they found occupied by a well dressed humanoid Waspman holding the now apparent Golden Horned Rabbit.   The Waspman welcomed Enik & Wally and asked them for their names. Both of them respond and in that instant they are both overtaken by a fog that clouds their minds. It doesn't last long, it faded nearly as quick as it appeared. Though as both of their minds clear they are left feeling...hollow. They look at each other and recognize them as a friend and ally, but cannot remember their name. And then they began to think...they can't remember their own names either.   The Waspman continued to speak, and thanked the cartographers for their names. It was willing to return the names that the cartographers gave it, but only if they would "Bring me back my wings" the Waspman said. The two cartographers agreed and made their way back to their allies camp, renaming themselves Scaley & Shelly. They have since regained their names during SPOILER   Full Expedition Report HERE
    Expedition 07c - Uncovering the Drowned Ruins
  • After Scaley & Shelly return and the situation is figured out between the cartographers, they begin their search for any signs of the missing children. They end up discovering that the children made their way into one of the pools in the Cave of Songs which had an underwater tunnel leading to some sort subterranean ruins.   Upon entering the ruins they discovered a few things. Firstly it was quite deteriorated and water logged, the walls and stonework were crumbling and the woodwork rotting. Though there were able to find a few undamaged books and scrolls they decided to keep. While investigating the cartographers all heard a woman's voice appear in their heads, gently telling them to be quiet after they made a loud noises such as casting verbal spells or uncarefully opening the heavy stone doors.   Though the giant, blue scales, coral covered drake wandering the ruins didn't seem to get that message. The party engaged but after casting another verbal spell the party was again warned by the woman in their head that "They're coming, they heard you!". The party continued fighting the drake until a winged serpent creature appeared and told the party that they were banned from the premises for 24 hours for breaking the silence too many times.   At this point the drake had already begun to retreat and lick its wounds, and the serpent seemed steadfast in its upholding of the ban. So the party made camp at the mouth of the ruins with plans to continue investigating after the ban was over but a rainstorm started to bring in large amounts of water into the ruins and it was beginning to flood. So the party had to pack up and return to the guild, and return another day to search for the lost children.   Full Expedition Report HERE
    And that is where we find ourselves


    Armed with the knowledge
  • A blue, coral covered drake is wondering the ruins
  • An arrow got lodged into one of its legs which seemed to impede its movement
  • A mysterious woman's voice can be heard in your head, prompting you to be quiet if you make too much noise
  • If too much noise is made, a winged serpent creature will ban you from the archives
  • from the previous expedition Enik, Wally, and Gnaa set off to delve back into the Drowned Archives in search of the missing children.  

    Bump on a Log

    Along the trail they come across an unexpected stream, brought along from the recent rainstorm and heavy snowmelt most likely. It did appear that the poachers, or some other outland explorers have crossed here first as one of the trees had been felled into a makeshift bridge. It was plenty large, and while it was somewhat slippery, it was plenty sturdy to cross. Though just to make sure, Wally volunteered to go first. That way if the tree could hold his bulk, it could for sure hold the rest of the party, and if it couldn't hold his weight Wally is a proficient swimmer and had no fear of the flowing river.   As Wally was crossing, a Giant Slug crawled from underneath the log an struck at him, and thus a battle began on the slippery log. Though the cartographers were able to dispatch of the gastropod with ease. They perfectly cleaned the slug of any edible meat and continued on their way to the Cave of Songs, and more importantly, the Drowned Archives below.  

    Dodge the Drake

    Upon entering the ruins, the cartographers make sure to step slowly and quietly as to not disturb either the Coral Drake
    or the Winged Serpent
    Report Date
    04 Oct 2022
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