
Spike was known for his size and strength, but not for his intelligence. Despite his lack of intelligence, Spike quickly learned that he could use his size and strength to intimidate others into doing what he wanted. As he grew older, he became increasingly violent and began to take pleasure in causing pain and suffering.   Eventually, Spike left his tribe and became a thug for hire, offering his services to the highest bidder. He worked for a variety of criminal organizations over the years, but he was never able to rise very high in the ranks due to his lack of intelligence and his tendency to resort to violence even when it wasn't necessary.   One day, Spike was hired by a gang of thieves to help them protect a local merchant. The job wasn't going well, but Spike saw an opportunity to make even more money by betraying his gang and turning on them along with Drog the Ruthless. Unfortunately for Spike, Drog lived up to his name abandoned Spike without a second thought, alone against a giant foe. This foe happened to be one of the members of the the Cartographers Guild named Wally, who was not willing to let Spike get away with his treachery.   In the ensuing fight between Spike and Wally, Spike was ultimately killed. His lack of intelligence and overconfidence had led him to believe that he could take on anyone, even a member of the Cartographers Guild. In the end, it was his downfall.

To amass as much wealth and power as possible, regardless of the means.
A tendency to act impulsively and without thinking of the consequences.
A deep loyalty to money.
  • Strength
  • Children