Tia Windgrain


Tia was raised in an orphanage in Stonehelm, the daughter of a blacksmith and a farmer. Hard-working, honest people she was told. However, a burglary gone wrong left Tia without an family as a young girl. She has always felt restless and curious, and with how the life inside the orphanage was she didn't see any reason the streets would be worse.   So she took to living on the streets and trying to find new places to explore, which ultimately led her to sneaking outside of the city walls. It was there where she discovered she was out of her element and was not prepared to survive outside of civilization. She was lucky enough to come across a young half-elf woman out hunting who helped guide her back to the city, as well as how to get back in without the eyes of the Watch catching them. She introduced herself as Edelli Venberos and offered to teach her the ropes of archery and survival.   When her and Edelli met the poachers, she was fascinated by their sense of adventure and rebellion and joined without a second thought.

To prove herself as a capable and skilled hunter to Edelli.
Her naivety, which makes it easy for her to be manipulated.
To Edelli, who she loves deeply and wants to earn her respect.

Guild Interactions

A young human girl that was found playing cards with Edelli Venberos & Sqw-oow behind the fake wall in Guk's meat & cheese shop during Expedition 13 - Slumming it up in the Big City. She didn't say much and was the most timid of the 3 at first.   She was later encountered again by a different group of Cartographers (Eduardo "Eddo" Jeron, Kneel, Ramsey, & Thaddeus Maximus) outside of Stonehelm. Her, Edelli Venberos, & Sqoow were hooded and cloaked and appeared to be on guard duty. The Cartographers engaged the group, not knowing the Guild had a previously interacted with them.
  Tia attempted to hide in the tree, but Kitty v1 was chased her up the tree while Eddo slayed Edelli Venberos and Ramsey cut down Sqoow. The Cartographers spared Tia and got her down from the tree.
  Eddo magically charmed her, and Thaddeus persuaded her to share any info about the Poachers she had. This included the main camps location, the approximate number there, and why her, Edelli & Sqoow were out here. Which was because they weren't really welcome with this group of poachers.
  Satisfied with her answers, the Cartographers let her go and sent her on her way back to the city. They also let Frank off his reins and told Tia she could follow him back to the Guild if she wanted a new home.
  • Acrobatics
  • Streetwise
  • Ranged Combat
  • Children