Edelli Venberos

Deceased - Expedition 16a - The Loss of Innocence


Edelli was born and raised in Stonehelm, the daughter of a human father and an elven mother. Her parents died in a tragic accident when she was still a child, and she was raised by her mother's elven kin. Edelli inherited her mother's elven grace and her father's human curiosity, and she spent most of her childhood exploring the forests and hills around Stonehelm.   As she grew older, Edelli became more interested in the art of hunting and tracking. She trained with the best hunters in Stonehelm, both human and elven, and quickly became one of the most skilled hunters in the region. However, she struggled to find a place for herself in society, as she felt like she didn't fully belong among either humans or elves.   When she met the poachers, she was intrigued by their sense of camaraderie and adventure. She joined them, not realizing their true intentions, and thought it would lead to a better life for her and Tia Windgrain, a human girl Edelli found on the streets and took her in.
Edelli aims to escape the poachers and find a way to live a more meaningful life for her and Tia.
Her loyalty to the poachers, which makes it difficult for her to leave.
She is connected to Tia and sees her as a little sister, and to her elven heritage, which gives her a sense of identity and belonging.

Guild Interactions

Was found playing cards with Tia Windgrain & Sqwoow behind the fake wall in Guk's meat & cheese shop in Expedition 13 - Slumming it up in the Big City. She seemed to take the lead of the bunch and kept them & the party (Felix, Pitter-Patter, Gnaa) from getting aggressive with each other.
  The party convinced her that they were there to join this little group and Edelli led them into the secret poacher hideout and introduced them to Tomves Rimvera.
  She was later encountered again by a different group of Cartographers (Eduardo "Eddo" Jeron, Kneel, Ramsey, & Thaddeus Maximus) outside of Stonehelm. Her, Sqoow, and Tia Windgrain were hooded and cloaked and appeared to be on guard duty. The Cartographers engaged the group, not knowing the Guild had a previously interacted with them.
  In the end, Eduardo "Eddo" Jeron was the one who sent Edelli to the afterlife during Expedition 16a - The Loss of Innocence.
  • Tracking
  • Hunting
  • Foraging
  • Children