Tomves Rimvera



Guild Interactions

The Cartographers (Felix, Gnaa, & Pitter-Patter) were introduced to Tomves by Edelli during Expedition 13a - Slumming it up in the Big City after they decieved Edelli that they were new recruits. Tomves showed the party around and introduced them to the different members that reside at the hideout. Why the party was distracted during the tour, they missed the frequency in which Tomves was eyeing Felix's holy symbol.   He lead the party down to the basement which is when he attacked Felix without warning. The Cartographers fended off Tomves and the Strange Metal Dog until Gnaa let out a roar and which caused the attackers to scatter for just enough time to dash away and escape through the sewers on a minecart.
  • Charismatic leadership
  • Strategic planning and resourcefulness
  • Unwavering Determination
  • Children

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