Aetmir Ennui

Written by World Smithy

As seen in


You know, despite being on this planet for about 22 years, I can only count on one hand how many of those I felt… happy. Of course, when you have no known parents that makes sadness almost a given, doesn't it? I grew up in an orphanage, a poorly funded one, at that. The other kids in there were ruthless little pricks, but I learned to just have a thick hide. There was only one there that treated me as if I was a real person, aside from Ms. Hegla; her name was Silva. She aged out of the adoption program, though, and I've not seen her since. I honestly feel bad for Ms. Helga; having to deal with the shit-headed children no one else wanted. Though, at the age of 14, a small, wrinkly ray of hope beamed through that hell hole. An older Dwarf that called himself Stenbower was looking to adopt.
He picked me. He filled out what little paperwork there was. And we left. On the way back to his run-down home on the outskirts of Stahlrest, he mentioned that the reason he chose me is that I “reminded him of his own son years ago”. I didn’t think anything of that remark at the time, but damn - it haunts me. The old codger and I grew close over the next 4 years. I learned that he was an archaeologist by trade, and amateur artificer on the side. That man taught me how to defend myself; swinging a blade and holding a shield, stances and footwork, and how to move about in armor that, quite frankly, never fit right. No telling just how many times that’s saved me.

There was a small ruin we went to a few months before he left. I could hardly hold my own excitement to finally delve with him, as up to this point, he had only told stories of his own ventures and forbade me from exploring any ruins “for my own safety”. We descend into this unnamed abyss that harbored awful creatures and noises with no other light but a torch. I wish I had been paying attention to my surroundings for what came next; an aberration had grabbed my torso from the inky blackness and pulled me to it. It gouged my eye, tore at my armor. I can’t put into words the pain I went through that day. Moments after the damage had been done, there was a flash of light and a thunderous sound and the monster grasping me fell limp. I can’t remember what happened immediately after, but the next thing I know I’m laying on a cot in the house, bandaged to hell and back, and missing an eye.

As I recovered from my injuries, Stenbower imparted what little knowledge of magic he had to me. A few days after I fully recovered, after one of our light sparring sessions, he left saying he had to tend to some “unfinished business” with an "old friend". When I asked if I could come with him, he told me it would be too dangerous. I tried to protest, but the old bull wouldn’t listen. He left me the deed to the ramshackle home and the key to the door. I remember him saying “If I’m not back in 2 years’ time, take what you can. Leave here and find me. You will learn what must happen in time, for I cannot tell you now and endanger your life. Goodbye, son. I love you.” Then, he was gone, and I was all alone, just like I had been 4 and a half years prior. That day I swore. I took an oath to myself that I would show him that I am capable - I WILL find him.

Physical Description

Body Features

He has purple skin across his entire body; this coloration is more prevalent in some places than others, such as his tail which is a shade darker than the rest of him. His hair is dark black which fades to a light purple that many describe as ever-so-slightly oily under direct light. He keeps his hair roughly shoulder length, and is often seen wearing it up in a high pony tail. The canine teeth found in his jaws are slightly larger and sharper than than average person's, and as a result he enjoys a fairly high protein diet.

Facial Features

At a glance, there are a few key features that are fairly prominent. The first is the worn, leather eyepatch over his right eye. It was lost during an expedition a few years back, and it still hurts to this day. Next, there are several off-gold scars that are mostly concentrated around his right eye. He's not entirely sure why the wounds healed over in that odd coloration, but he isn't against it. These old wounds do seem to have their own sheen when viewed in bright light.

Identifying Characteristics

Aetmir is an identifying feature. Everything from the horns, the purple skin, golden scars, etc... It would be dificult to not pick him out of a crowd. The largest of these features though, his horns, are unique to him - every Tiefling's horns grow in many different variations, and are unique to that individual.

Physical quirks

Before his incident, he was right handed and almost neglected his left, except when eating. After, though, he thought it would be best to learn how to do everything with his left hand just as well as with his right so he can actually see what he's doing. When he walks there is a noticable attempt at keeping an upright posture almost at all times; when he sits there is often a visible deflation that occurs in which his upper torso slumps forward as he relaxes.

Apparel & Accessories

Aetmir is often seen wearing dull browns or dark grays, typically thick hides, leathers, and furs. Beneath all of the fluff, he wears a heavy set of chain mail that has seen its fair share of use. Both of his ears are pierced; his left ear typically has an earing containing two small brass and gold orbs that have golden feathers hanging from them. His right ear is pierced near the top and features two, silver rings set next to each other. On both horns, one is easily able to find golden caps pressed into the points that have small hoops dangling from single links.

Mental characteristics


Aetmir would have received the barest of what could possibly be considered an education while he lived in St. Helga's Orphanage. The place was severly underfunded, and often struggled just to provide the numerous children there with clothing, much less a proper education. Much of Aetmir's knowledge base comes from story books, dictionaries, and other miscellaneous tomes that were on hand.

After he was adopted, however, Stenbower provided a basic education to the young tiefling. He would go on to learn how to read, write, and interpret text of both the common tongue and infernal persuasions. He was given the fundamentals of melee combat, mostly through getting hit over and over before he figured out how to side-step or block right.


Aetmir was never the best at... well, most things. He had little inter-personal skills, so peddling for any of the guild merchants in Stahlrest was out of the question. His hands are slower than his working eye, and they often get tangled up within themselves - craftsmanship was also off the table. He eventually found a steady job, albeit a low-paying one, tending to horses as a stable hand.

After Stenbower left, however, he was approached by one of the guild merchants that had snubbed him a few months prior. This individual needed hired muscle to accompany him in his day-to-day affairs. Aetmir, being frankly tired of dealing with horse dung, quickly agreed. He worked with this individual, whose name will not be mentioned here due to the signing of what can only be considered an NDA document, for some time before leaving for "freelance work".

Mental Trauma

Well, if "getting an eye speared out and being ripped into by an unseen monstrosity" counts as mental trauma - he's got it. Aetmir rarely travels anywhere without a lantern cliped on his belt now, and actively avoids incredibly dark locations. Additionally, due to childhood experiences, he avoids swearing like the plague when he notices anyone older than himself is around.


Aetmir was taught at an incredibly young age not to swear when people older than him were about. When he did, it usually resulted in a light beating with an old, weathered, and somewhat soft leather belt across his bottom. This behavior has carried on as he himself has gotten older, as he often finds himself stopping mid-sentence to reword things if he noticed a man with a white beard or lady with graying hair is simply passing by. He does the same thing when he learns that someone is older than him too - he'll change how he speaks when he's around them from then on.

Personality Characteristics


There are two things that drive Aetmir. The first is simple: find his adoptive father, alive preferably. The second is to make a name for himself; he's always been a nobody, and now that he plans on venturing out, he wants to change that.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Aetmir could always throw a punch and take one too, but as he got older he got better at dishing them out instead of taking them. Most forms of martial combat seem to come natural to him, and he enjoys any sparring session he can get. Never has been good at anything magic or arcane in nature, though; the majority of the practice he went through eluded his understanding.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Fried Murkfish
  • Berries and Honey Cream
  • Stout mead
  • Fresh laundry and clean furs


  • Most cuts of meat
  • Balanced weapons
  • Warm beds and soft pillows
  • Traveling


  • Asparagus
  • Rain, when it happens
  • Thin Socks
  • Libraries


  • People telling him what to do
  • Spiders
  • The cold
  • Being alone
Fried Murkfish.png
Fried Murkfish and fresh lemon, a simple pleasure.

Personality Quirks

While growing up, Aetmir can't remember a time when something that wasn't broken or outright rotten was thrown away. Ancient, stained, and often sticky toys were kept; old clothes were handed down. As a result, he's become something of a packrat, and will hardly ever throw things out - especially trinkets and baubles. He's also known to hiccup when he gets excessively tired; why, though, is still a mystery to him.


Social Aptitude

At a first glance, many would consider him to be your typical lovable oaf - someone with little self awareness and people skills while having some redeeming qualities. While this may have been true for quite some time, Aetmir has been working on how to better present himself to the general public. As of recent, he's gained confidence in his own charismatic skills and has been more boisterous than normal at his favorite pubs. With this excitement comes the table manners of a fabled barbarian; once this attitude and demeanor is brought to his attention, though, he tries to pull himself together for other's sake.


Everyone talks differently, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. Aetmir just talks... with his whole self. When he explains things, his hands are often waving around in the air, making odd shapes and angles, pointing to things that aren't really there, or making small movements to mimic something. He also tends to move his head forward slightly when he stresses a word when speaking.


Aromon Holaralei

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Aetmir Ennui



Aetmir Ennui

Acquaintance (Important)

Towards Aromon Holaralei




Aromon and Aetmir met on a street corner while he was traveling with a group of two other individuals; Esorin and Silva. Aetmir wanted a portrait made and, needing the patronage, Aromon obliged. The group talked and ultimately decided that Aromon would join them on their ventures out of Stahlrest, despite Aromon's initial hesitance.

Shared Acquaintances

Esorin Inilorh

Wealth & Financial state

All things considered, Aetmir has little to no wealth to his name. The only notable assent he has is the deed to the run-down home that he and Stenbower lived in. Much of what he used to earn was spent on food, small luxuries, and fitting clothing. He's saved up about 3 gold coins, though - he wants a new pair of hiking boots.
Neutral Good
Current Status
Finding allies to aid him in finding his father.
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Aetmir was born to unknown parents, and was left at St. Helga's Orphanage in a wicker basket when he was but a baby.
Parents (Adopting)
Current Residence
Stenbower's Old Home
Red and pupilless.
Black fading to purple.
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Purple. There are semi-golden scars that litter his face.
5 ft. 10 in.
170 lbs
Known Languages
He is fluent in both the common tongue and Infernal, something he considers his heritage.
The gear and armor that Aetmir begins his journey in. The furs and heavy coat was a gift from Stenbower for his, thought to be, 18th birthday.

Articles under Aetmir Ennui


Author's Notes

Hey everyone! Thanks for taking the time to read through Aetmir's character entry. He's been my favorite character that I've sat down and developed for any medium in a while, and I'm ecstatic to share him off! Expect to see more of Aetmir Ennui - he's probably going to be a key figure in a future (or, if you're reading this in the future, current) manuscript I've got planned. Stay tuned!

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Aug 3, 2024 16:55 by Marjorie Ariel

I LOVE the attention to detail in this article! Aetmir really feels like a real person, and I definitely want to read the manuscript! Particularly, I love how many questions have gone unanswered, and his code-switching, even when older folks are just passing by. Beautiful.

Aug 3, 2024 17:20 by J. J.

Thank you! He's actually adapted from a D&D 5e campaign that I played him in—easily my favorite player character to date. I want to answer some of those questions in the manuscript at some point; I've got outlines and things written for the first three chapters, just need to finish them. Hope to have it public at some point!

May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friend.