Aromon's Favorite Brush Item in Vasara | World Anvil

Aromon's Favorite Brush

Written by World Smithy

At First Sight

The brush, while not technically sentient, knew what it wanted in a handler. It had rejected many an aspiring painter, along with a few big names such as Olivia Locke, Damian Woodson, and Ora' Tor. For those the brush did not approve of, it would wriggle free from their grasp and gently float to the nearest surface that was not considered the floor. It knew better than to leave itself where people walked.
One day, the old shop keep that had the brush in stock had had enough of its shenanigans. Just as he was about to put the item away in an ancient storage box, Aromon Holaralei had walked through the door. A little chime tinkled and he stepped through, seeing the old shopkeep about to put the brush away. A loud cry could be heard soon after, something to the effect of "Is that handle made of REAL Mahogany?!"
For context, dear reader, Mahogany trees are thought to be extinct due to the events of The Lightfall Cataclysm, as the majority of them grew in The Emerald Gardens in the north-eastern region of Vasara. This region is largely regarded as one of the heaviest hit by The Gloom.
As one could expect, the brush wrought itself free from the iron clasp of the shop keep's hand, and floated to the display shelf nearest Aromon. The painter, at the time little more than an upstart, quickly palmed the item and inspected every facet under the warm lantern light. The handle was, indeed, made of real Mahogany wood, and it was inlaid with ornate golden filigree. As the light danced across the brush, Aromon's eyes found that, barely visible on the filigree, there were runes and arcane markings. Not one to miss an opportunity, Aromon announced to the shop keep he would like to buy the brush. The old man, tired of the brush's antics, let him have it for free.

Mechanics & Inner Workings

After one attunes to the brush, their thoughts can be read by the item. When willed, the brush is able to float and hold itself in the air and, if given inspiration, a canvas, and paint, will go to work on its own. The brush, linked with its user's mind, works almost like an extension of themselves; it can be described as similar to a third hand. The enchantment engraved on the handle is unknown, and has yet to be reproduced.


The brush was made by an unknown artisan a few decades before the present date, and has not been used at all in that time. It has passed through many shops without so much as a single purchase from a customer. It almost seemed that item was cursed to pass through the hands of every merchant. That is, until Aromon Holaralei claimed it soon after taking up painting in the city of Stahlrest, capital of The Luminforge Syndicate. Since that day, the brush never left his side.


After the waves Holaralei made in the art scene during his rise to popularity, many upstarts and professionals alike have been looking for the artisan that made the famous brush.
Aromon Holaralei's "Third Hand"
Item type
Creation Date
1923 After Lightfall
Current Location
Current Holder
1 pound
Bristles: 1 1/2 in. x 2 in.
Length: 7 1/2 in.
Base Price
Free - out of frustration
Raw materials & Components
The main materials used in the making of the brush are (real) Mahogany wood, horse hairs, and gold.


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