Beyond the Veil - My Notes!

Written by World Smithy


Nothing in this article is to be considered Canon for my setting until it appears or is mentioned in an article outside of this one. Things will change or be removed here - that is just how this sort of thing will play out over time, as I plan to have this be a running document. If there is an idea listed here that you find interesting or would like to see worked on or fleshed out, leave a comment to let me know! It may already be getting worked on, you never know!
Hey all! So, after an enlightening exchange with another wonderful member of this platform, I've decided to make an article dedicated to some of the "Behind the Scenes" and inner workings of my thought process when it comes to the construction of this project. Contained within this article are the various notes and ideas that I've begun to accumulate on this project. As it stands, anything posted within this document will be NON-CANON, as mentioned above, and will be treated as such. Now, there will certainly be instances where information originally found here makes it into a proper Canon article - thats what they're here for! Unfortunantly, not every idea can be used, salvaged, or recycled. Now, I did not keep ALL of my notes from previous articles, as I tend to write them all on sticky notes, and those start to become clutter pretty quickly - that is to say I've since gotten rid of all my old stuff (I know it was a bad move in hindsight, don't at me :D ). Moving forward, I'll try to catalogue them all here to share with y'all!
Below, you'll be able to find several breakdowns that will further categorize my madness - I'll also attempt to split this document into a few sections that details how likely any given idea is to be workshopped and finalized. Under each of the Likelihoods, I'll give some context or a name to a set of notes that will be listed under it. You may see some repeating names, and thats because I make too many ideas and not everything can be used. That being said, lets dive into it!


The Lightfall Cataclysm

  • After the death and disposal of Moander, god of rot and corruption, the outpouring mists and shadow from The Rift were now able to both twist someone's soul into a mockery of its former self and completely dominate their remains. Souls twisted in this way have largely been abandoned by divine beings and fiends alike, and are hence cursed to roam the planet in search of the light given off of a pure soul.
  • Due to the nature of this particular deity, he was able to lay a curse on the world from "beyond the grave" to make the world seem to stop its spinning. Shadows would go on to consume the sky, blotting out the sunlight coming directly from the sun. Distant stars are barely visible through what is now called The Veil, and the moonlight given off by the moons Miccaro and Desolis shine like they did originally, despite this curse. The only indication that the world continues to spin is that the sun, now a pale dot in the sky, continues its cycle with the now much brighter (in comparison) moons.
  • As a result of Moander's final curse, sunlight that comes directly from the sun is completely blocked. The moons are still able to reflect its light as normal, however, as Lathander, god of light and rebirth, decided that since his domain was the direct target, he would instead funnel much of his power into Selûne, goddess of the moon, stars, and navigation. This leads night time to be considerably brighter than it is in the day while outside of an Elysian Bastion.
  • The curse is split twofold between The Veil and The Gloom. The Veil blots out much of the sky, only allowing indirect light through. The Gloom is a dark, shadow-filled mist that clings to the ground. The Gloom is extremely prevelent in areas with little-to-no light available, and is thought to be the main catalyst for turning people into Silhouettes. The Gloom will physically shrink away from any source of light, and is vaporized by True Sunlight. However, the mists grow bold when the light of a mortal soul is unaccompanied by another source of light.

The Mantle of Memories (Memory Entry for the Cabinet of Curiosities)

  • Allows the wearer (only ever chosen by TRQ) to access, alter, and remove memories from a mortal soul.
  • Allows allows the chosen of TRQ to usher the mortal souls that the Plumebearer interacts with back to the Fortress of Memories
  • Each feather on the mantle when (insert coloration/descriptor here) contains a mortal memory.
  • When every feather is filled with a memory, the Plumebearer "unloads" or otherwise stores them back in the FoM. (Feathers revert to normal coloration after emptied)
  • Rudimentary desc: A large cape/mantle piece that covers roughly 3/4 of the body. The Exterior is covered in what seems to be ravens' feathers, with some being (insert color/descriptor here), with many still being a stark black.

The Humble Honeyloaf (Sweet Entry for the Cabinet of Curiosities)

  • Sugar cane has long been thought to be extinct since The Lightfall. 
  • Much of it was erradicated during the Schism, and the remaining domesticated crop of it was abandoned due to a lack of arable land.
  • Instead, to both promote and increase plant growth, honey bees started being kept in the agricultural rings of Orbits.
  • The obvious by-product of the bees pollinating crops is, of course, honey.
  • Honey becomes similar to a 'liquid gold', and is quickly turned into the replacement for sugar. 
  • Due to the abundance of honey being produced, the remaining Bastions decided to use it to boost morale amongst the general populace by including it in some way in family's rations every week - leading to the humble Honeyloaf.
  • Since then, it has been a staple.
  • It is to be noted that early on, those in power over The Luminforge Syndicate attempted to cut corners and reduce costs by eliminating the honey ration - this led to civil unrest, protests, strikes, and outright riots. The decision was quickly reverted, and the honey ration was never touched since.

Highly Likely

Cabinet of Curiosities Ideas

  Some Other Misc. Ideas
  • The Gildborn are a people that are born with a specific mutation called Aureosis - a condition that replaces portions of the skeleton with metallic gold. Those born with this condition know not any specific creed, and are known to be free spirits and individualists.

    Somewhat Likely


    Not Very Likely


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