Dawnmaster Xanorin Smith

Good day, everyone. I am Dawnmaster Xanorin Smith, but my friends often just refer to me as Smithy; you may do the same. You might have heard of me through the messages I've sent out via various communication methods, including something your world refers to as the "Global Feed". I know not from whence you came nor how long you have wandered to get here, fair travelers, but please, step into the Lux Sanctum out of the darkness and join me for a moment of spiritual illumination.

About Me

Allow me to properly introduce myself and what it is I do, travelers. I am, as previously mentioned, Dawnmaster of the Lux Sanctum here in Eo' Wissae. I see to the day-to-day operations of the Sanctum, training of new Dawnlings, and all sermons conducted in our alabaster halls. During the daylight hours, dim as they may be, I faithfully serve Solaurius, god of our sun, light, and new life. However, come nightfall and the Sisters break upon the horizon like a silver wave, I turn myself over to Rosvonè, goddess of the dead and memories. Her aspects, Lore and Fate, had always intrigued me; in fact, their influence is the very reason you are here listening to this old elf ramble.
All of the documents and articles that you shall find here within these archives have either been scribed, restored, or found by me. Of course, there are many such items that are still under review or being drafted, such as this one on the many gods that make up our pantheon, the Prime Architects. Or, perhaps this one shall better suit your fancy, as Aetmir Ennui continues to update me through letters about his life and travels. I suppose that, for now, you should rest, friend; the roads are rarely favorable to those that traverse them.


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Of course, as I mentioned above, I shall unfortunately have to refrain from publishing my own autobiography until it has been completed in its entirety. Many things are still being drafted and recorded here in the Lux Sanctum, and I shall reveal these documents to the light when they are ready. I appreciate you, travelers, for taking an interest in my works, and I wish you the best on your journey ahead. May the Fadelight illuminate your travels, friends!


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