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The founding of the city of Yolis marks the beginning of the veil. It is said to have begun with an epic clash between the Light Goddess Ohm and her brother, whose name is unknown. The two supposedly vied to the death for absolute control of the heavens. The contest ended with the defeat of the stranger; whom Ohm overpowered cast down to Vash. The Light God then commanded her faithful subjugates to construct a temple for him amidst the bones of her great enemy to commemorate her victory, the faithful did so. Over the slow course of time, the population increased and the areas around the temple began to become densely inhabited, and, eventually, the temple was encircled by a thriving metropolis. The city would go on to become the capital of a rising nation, with eyes conquer the world.     Culture:     The people of Yolis and of the Veil are devout worshipers of the Order of Ohm. Many have known no other way of life, and to be a heretic is punishable by death. People live their lives according to the Laws of Light. For the citizens of the Veil the day starts and ends with prayer. The country has no night life as being outside after dark is seen as dangerous and is punishable. Four classes make up Veil society:   -Nobility: Those Ohm as chosen to rule and descendants of the original followers/founders of the Order of Ohm. The highest in the he hierarchy that makes up the Veil. Nobility are entitled to land, wealth, power, slaves, and anything of inheritance. Noble houses my fall and rise over time but few have ever full been dishonoured to the point that they are striped of nobility.   -Clergy: Through the Order anyone who hear the call of the goddess maybe rise to become a leader of the people. Nobility are on equal foot as members of the church. Both command the country and neither have control over the other. Clergy members are responsible for leading the people both in spirit and in government sharing the burden with the nobility. Many govern cities and have command over military forces.   -Commoner: Free men and women who make up most of the population. The only legal restriction placed upon them is that commoners may not hold office (unless through the Order of Ohm). Commoners may inherit land/property same as any nobleman.   -Slaves: Slave have no rights. Slaves may be used for any purpose but must be freed after 17 years. No one may be born or forced into slavery unless it is a punishment for a broken law or through war. Saves have four main branches: -Gladiatii: Pit fighters who fight to the death for the blood thirsty crowds of the Veil. -Worker: Slaves used for manual labour. Often very hard/dirty jobs. -Servants: Slaves who act as maids, butlers, care takers, cooks, teachers, nursemaids to the families that own them. -Brothel workers: Slaves forced to work the brothels and are often traded between houses.


-Human -Elf -Dwarf


The Government of the veil is broken into three main components:   The Consuls: A Consul is the highest position in Veil government. For each ruling Consuls come in pairs, One appointed by the Senate and the other through the Order (The Son). The senator appointed to Consul may serve a 4-year term. The Consuls act as both political and military heads of state, consuls possess supreme executive power, commanding the army, presiding over the Senate, and proposing legislation; however, as a safeguard each consul had the ability to veto the other’s decision.   The Senate: While the Senate may lack any genuine legislative authority, it dose have fundamental responsibilities that made its opinion essential to the functioning of Veil government. First of all, the senators not only discussed both domestic and foreign policy but supervised relations with foreign powers. They control state finances. Initially, after the fall of the monarchy, senators were named by a consul, but, with the passing of the Lex Ovina 1060 ov, this power was transferred to the censor, and it was the censor who could add new noble members. Sessions of the Senate were called by the Consuls, who would provide an agenda of the topics for discussion. And, since the meetings were held in private to avoid public scrutiny, unlimited freedom of speech allowed each senator to voice their opinion.   Governors: Governors are given the position by a Senator. While holding the position of Governor they are fully responsible for the area they govern. This can include but is not limited to, collecting taxes, maintain infrastructure, over seeing the enforcement of laws, and ensuring the well being of the people. Both nobles and Clergy members are eligible for this position.


The Military:   The Military of the Veil has two major components. The main military the Luminatii Legion and the warriors of the Order of Ohm.   -The Luminatii is composed of a combination of commoners and nobleman alike. Both have a ability to hold an officer position and both can be seen fighting on the frontlines. The warriors of the Luminatii Legion wear plate armor, blood-red cloaks, feathered plumes upon their head and if the Luminatii is an officer, a blade of Sunsteel.   -Warriors of the Order of Ohm is made up of 4 schools of holy warriors.   -The Magister: known as the lower soldiers of the Order, with the exceptions of higher ranks such as the White Magisters. Their role involves standard policing, patrols and usually seen escorting most of the time.   -The Inquisitors: The use of holy magic is only sanctioned by the order for those who have earned the rank of Inquisitor or higher. Inquisitors are practitioners of Ohms holy fire magic. They have spent their lives dedicated to the Art of Pyromancy, the memorization and recitation of ancient words of power that can be called upon to ignite wood, melt stone, consume flesh, or char bone. Many claim these words to be divine in nature, perhaps even the divine language of Ohm herself. Inquisitors specialize in extracting information (“hearing” confession), seeing through deceivers, and burning away the shadows in the pursuit of a pure world. Inquisitors also handle many of the day to day operations of the Order. This can include governing/organization people and Order assets, policing/investigation of higher crimes, collecting/setting taxes, or tariffs and how best to use the finances of the Order.   -The Steel Inquisitors: are justice in the Veil. They enforce the laws and dispense punishment and retribution without mercy. Where order has broken down, where cruelty and lawlessness rule, they are justice. They go wherever they are needed, and their armor has no equal, its construction a secret of the Order. Pray that you do not need them. And when they arrive, pray that you have done no wrong.   -The Judge: A special order of Inquisitors under Ohms divine Law. With the spread of the Orders influence came a rise in crime and regional conflicts. To reduce the amount of time required by the judicial process, a holy court was established, this being the origin of the Order of Judges. The rank of Judge is the highest achievable rank that a member of the church can gain without it being appointed. A Judge holy training includes Martial weapon/heavy armor training and unique holy magic unavailable to low members of the order. A judge takes order from only the holy father and Ohm herself.


    Notable events:
  • 1 ov - The founding of the Order of Ohm
  • 333 ov – The official founding of the city of Yolis
  • 540 ov – The Great Purge
  • 783 ov – The Great War
  • 800 ov – The Fall of Kings/Founding of the Senate
  • 1076 ov – The Battle of Joy
  • 1084 ov – The Kingmaker rebellion

Natural Resources

Wood from the forests, grain from the fields, sheep in the rolling hills and metals and stone from the bowels of the earth.
Alternative Name(s)
The Grave
Location under
Owning Organization
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