Dwarf Species in Vashald | World Anvil
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According to their own myths, the Dwarves were forged by Vulcan in ancient times and are to this day sometimes referred to as "Vulcan’s Children". They were found deep within the earth by High Elven explorers. Today, Dwarves are spread out across the contient, many lamenting the loss of their great underground road systems. Many Dwarves have dedicated their lives to reclaiming and rebuilding this road system known as The Runeway.

Basic Information


Dwarves are usually a foot shorter than most humans, but being of much broader build and stature. Dwarves addtionally build muscle mass faster than other races, and since many hold jobs as smiths and miners, tend to be very muscular.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Dwarven society is one of order and purpose. Of the Dwarven communities today, many serve as craftsmen, guards, mercenaries, miners and warriors.

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