Kingdom of Fayward Organization in Vashald | World Anvil
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Kingdom of Fayward

The Kingdom of Fayward was founded by a joint union between a Halfling and Gnomish noble families. Their line continues to rule over the kingdom and its people. The kingdom is almost entirely comprised of halflings and gnomes who refer to themselves as Fayfolk, due to their closeness to the wily Fey of the Feywild. Fayfolk are innovators and farmers, being the first to invent gunpowder and gyrocopters. The barriers between the two worlds are thin in the forests of Fayward. A strong lasting alliance between the Kingdom of the Vale has allowed Humans, Gnomes and Halflings to intermingle freely in both nations.
Founding Date
654 B.S.
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Government System
Monarchy, Constitutional
Major Exports
Clockwork, Gold, Magic Items
Major Imports
Copper, Furs, Iron, Meat, Silver, Wood
Related Species
Related Ethnicities

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