Republic of Novgorik Organization in Vashald | World Anvil
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Republic of Novgorik

The Republic of Novogorik was formed by a group of outcasts seeking a refuge from the racial problems back home. Orcs make up the majority of the population; while goblins, tieflings, kobolds, tengu, bugbears, minotaurs make up the rest. They've sworn off their old "savage" ways in pursuit of a politically stronger meritocracy. They are a major trade force around southern Caldera and have one of the strongest navies in the known world.
Founding Date
105 A.S.
Geopolitical, Republic
Government System
Democracy, Direct
Major Exports
Gold, Iron, Mercenaries, Ships, Spices, Sugar, Wood
Major Imports
Copper, Grain, Meat, Silver
Controlled Territories
Neighboring Nations
Related Ethnicities

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