Orc Species in Vashald | World Anvil
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Orcs are one of the oldest races of Vashald and as such have had a long history against elvenkind. Orcs were first seen over 10000 years ago emerging from all corners of the world. Some of the most famous demon lords are former Orcs who achieved godhood in glorious battle.

Basic Information


In contrast to the well known adaptibility of Elves, Orcs are able to thrive in most environments through sheer strength of will. Orcs are forged in the fires of violence and conflict, often from the moment they are born. As they live lives that are frequently cut brutally short, orcs revel in testing their strength against worthy foes, whether by challenging a higher-ranking member of their community for dominance or raiding a neighboring settlement. Many orcs seek glory as soon as they can walk and carry a blade or club, taming wild beasts or hunting deadly monsters. Orcs often struggle to gain acceptance among other communities, who frequently see them as brutes. Those who earn the loyalty of an orc friend, however, soon learn that an orc's fidelity and honesty are unparalleled. Orc barbarians, fighters, and rangers are prized as gladiators and mercenaries. Orc culture teaches that they are shaped by the challenges they survive, and the most worthy survive the most hardships. Orcs who attain both a long life and great triumphs command immense respect.

Dietary Needs and Habits

An orc can subsist on such small amounts of food that would normally lead a human to death
Genetic Descendants
Average Height
Geographic Distribution

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