Ep 11: "Damn Stoners"

Kasden 21, 1199


The group had laid low for a few days after the incident with Xylar. Though they generally agreed that his actions were not directly Afra’s fault, there was still a lot of displeasure with Afra and her methods.  

Beer Forge

When she arrived at the Beer Forge, Mari discovered Ivy arguing with one of the other dwarves behind the bar. They were both yelling in dwarvish, but it appeared to be a very passionate argument. As others arrived, the argument continued and the other dwarf pushed Ivy down. As he laughed, Ivy took hold of Cicely’s metal arm behind the counter and punched him so hard with it that she knocked him out.   Just after this, a woman came running into the bar and looked around as if searching for someone. She appeared to be a thin human of average height. As soon as she saw Owen, she rushed over and began speaking to him in broken elvish. She managed to get across that she needed a doctor and that someone may have eaten something that made them sick. He and the rest of the party quickly followed her out to see if they could help.  

Temple District

The woman lead them through the streets and out to the Temple District. The group made their way through the abandoned street to a dilapidated building. Inside, the woman lead them to a man who was convulsing on the ground and foaming at the mouth. His eyes were bloodshot and he appeared to be having a reaction to some kind of poison. Owen tried all of the things he knew to try and figure out what toxin had poisoned the man while Saxi helped hold the man still.   Oisin and Seldanna tried to get information from the woman about exactly what had happened. They were getting nothing from her, but Seldanna noticed that the woman’s arm was twitching like the man on the ground. She decided to switch with Owen, so that she could use healing magic on the man and have Owen question the woman. When Seldanna cast lesser restoration on the man, she felt the poison leave his body like she expected. Suddenly, the man stiffened and began to turn to stone.   While this was happening, Mari and Rosie had been searching the room for clues as to what could have poisoned him. Rosie found something shiny under some debris and it shot green liquid into her eye when she was examining it. She started convulsing and foaming at the mouth like the man had been. Panicked, Seldanna cast lesser restoration on Rosie as fast as she could. Rosie recovered and was disoriented, but overall alright. The shiny object she had found turned out to be a syringe without a needle that had a greenish-blackish liquid inside it. Saxi tried to get answers from the woman, but it quickly became apparent that she was high on something. They also found a glass jar next to the syringe which had debris in it that Rosie realized was flakes of diseased eirshale.   The group decided to take the woman and the petrified man to Owen’s clinic. While there, they found out from one of Owen’s assistants Holly that the drug is called Daydream and that it was the newest drug to hit Cinderhaven. Owen, Rosie, and Saxi went to the Divine Forge to inform Afra of this new development while Seldanna, Oisin, and Mari headed to Pinból’s library to look for information on what the toxin and eirshale infection might be.  


The group at the library was able to rule out any known substances or compounds, which meant that the Daydream drug was something completely new. At the Divine Forge, Afra told the group that she had not known about the new drug. All the diseased eirshale was being removed from the Boat Lift as fast as possible and stored in what was supposed to be a secured location. She did not know how any of it could have ended up in the slums. From the Divine Forge, Owen headed back to his clinic, Saxi went to the Beer Forge to wait for the others, and Rosie went to speak with Pinból.  

Pinbol's Tower

Mo greeted Rosie wearing the yellow flower painted by Cyl, a set of eyelashes, and an eyebrow over his single eye. She gave him a pink bow to add to the overall effect. Pinból was curious about the new eirshale development and debated between going to the Library, where Oisin was, or Owen’s clinic. Ultimately, he chose to go to the clinic and Owen gave him more information about the man and the new drug. Pinból agreed to get some in order for testing. He also argued with Owen over the use of healing magic to help the people in the clinic. Owen was hesitant to do so and Pinból did not understand why. As Pinból left, he remarked to Rosie that next time he would go to the library instead.   Saxi met with the others at the Beer Forge and they grabbed food for themselves, as well as Rosie and Owen, before they headed to the clinic. They arrived to discover that the woman who had dragged them to the dying man had finally come down from her high. She couldn’t tell them much about the man as she had only met him two days before and when they weren’t high they had been looking for durg or having sex. She said that he had told her his name was Daenlas. He got the drugs so she didn’t even know where they had come from. Her name was Einda.   The group went to Owen’s office to examine the man and discovered that he had come back to life. The man went running from the clinic after knocking down one of Owen’s walls. The group chased him to try and get him calmed down. At one point, Owen offered him a hand and Owen felt himself begin to turn to stone. The man ran again and the group tried to get him to stop. Unable to do so successfully, Mari used a hold person spell to stop the man from continuing to run while Owen and Rosie tied him up. Saxi and Oisin carried him back toward the clinic and he was somehow able to concentrate and made himself much heavier. Ultimately, Oisin and Saxi had to drag the man back to the clinic.  

Full Episode

Broadcast Date

August 21, 2018  


Owen , Rosie , Oisin , Saxi , Seldanna , Mari  




  • The Beer Forge
  • Temple District
  • Divine Foundry
  • Owen's Clinic
  • Pinbol's Tower


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