Contacts & Relations
They began seeing each other romantically after Pinbòl invited Oisin on a lunch date. They have lived together since Pinbòl invited Oisin to. They were married Fimaris 7, 1199, after the concern that closing the portal to the Shadowfell would kill Pinbòl.
Relationship Reasoning
Oisin had expressed that he genuinely cared about Pinbòl, and had supported him in his efforts to become a better person and atone for what he had done. Pinbòl believes Oisin had been a good influence and had changed him to be a better person.
Mo used to work for Pinbòl in the tower as a housekeeper
Relationship Reasoning
Pinbòl is researching the nature of the eirshale-dosed Daydream drug, and is helping Cyl treat the eirshale rot on her feet.
Shared Secrets
Pinbòl took possession of the remaining 250 lbs of eirshale missing from the King's stock used in the creation and maintence of the Boat Lift. He used that eirhshale to create the floating hideaway "Upstairs" of his Tower. He seems genuinely remorseful after discovering how important the eirshale was to Cyl and the Goa people