Ep 7: "Draw Me Like One of Your Elf Girls"

Kasden 15, 1199

The party met up at the Beer Forge for the daily luncheon. Several of them were curious about the Zozo Juice that had been acquired the day before. Ivy warned them that it would be quite spicy, but Pesk decided to try it anyway. The intense spiciness seemed to almost petrify her for a moment, leaving her with burnt taste buds and a level of exhaustion. Despite seeing this happen, Oisin and Finkoo decided to try it as well. Oisin was left with three levels of exhaustion and Finkoo with burnt taste buds. Primeheart took some to study, but chose not to actually partake of the beverage.   As they tried to recover from the effect of the Zozo Juice, the group saw some sort of tax collector come in and speak with Ivy. His name was Steros and, when they asked, Ivy informed the party that her taxes required her to hand over 30% of her profits each month to the city. She also told them that the taxes used to only be 5% and that she wouldn’t mind as much if the money actually got used to improve things. As far as she knew, it all seemed to go toward the king and his construction projects.   Since several of them did not feel as energetic as usual, courtesy of the Zozo Juice, the group decided to go sightseeing. Most of them were not from the area, so looking around the city more seemed like a reasonable plan for the afternoon. They headed to the Boat Lift as it was obviously the biggest and most impressive sight in town.   At the Boat Lift Viewing Deck, the group watched for a while as a ship was raised up the cliff to the Crescent Lake. They watched a few more rotations and enjoyed the nice weather. Oisin, feeling the effects of the Zozo Juice the most, decided to nap on one of the benches.   After a while, the group saw a gnome come out of the maintenance hatch to speak with another worker. The gnome was carrying a large chunk of white stone that looked as though it had some sort of rot or erosion affecting it. As the workers went back in, Cyl became very concerned that the white rock he had been holding looked a lot like eirshale. Pesk suggested talking to Afra, one of her mentors at the Lightsmith Guild, since she had worked on the Boat Lift when it was built.   Afra was shocked when Pesk asked her about the Boat Lift and amazed to discover that Cyl’s people were made of eirshale. She took the party to a private room and filled them in on more information regarding the Boat Lift. It had been built using roughly 12-13,000 pounds of eirshale that had been transmuted into a substance harder than adamantine. There had been some eirshale left that had been set aside for repairs, but some had already been used 14 years prior when the Lift was used to bring the Leviathan up to attack the city.   Afra also informed the group that other people saw the worker with the rotting stone as well. She told them that roughly 250 pounds of the raw eirshale had gone missing from storage and she did not know where it could be. After asking Cyl questions about her people, Afra also became concerned that the eirshale used for the Boat Lift might have some sentience. A possibility that weighed heavy on her and she gave Cyl a small vial containing raw eirshale as a sort of apology or penance. The eirshale used for the Lift had been found in a dwarven city far away after being expelled by a volcano; or at least that’s where they had been told it came from.   The group then headed over to see Pinból in the hopes that he may have more information regarding the disease plaguing the eirshale. He shared what little information he knew and secured an evening date with Oisin in the process. He was able to tell them that the eirshale may have a connection to different magical properties and the sun. He also gave the group access to his hidden library to do more research. To access the library the group needed to find a sewer grate with a prime number on it and utter the words “Libris Osteum”. The library was then available for future research but the books could not be removed or written in. Either would result in Pinból being very angry. During their time there, Cyl drew a lovely yellow flower on Mo. He told her “draw me like one of your elf girls” and thanked her for the flower.   Pinból also warned the group that not everyone who had access to his library would be on their side.  

Full Episode

Broadcast Date

August 15, 2018  


Pesk , Oisin , Finkoo , Primeheart , Cyl , Mari  




  • The Beer Forge
  • Boatlift
  • Divine Foundry in Guildsman's District
  • Pinbol's Tower in the Pearl District


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